Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 430947424060833794

Good heavens, these people are proud of their family heritage and had some neighbours ever killed or made slights to one family in the past, a century long feud may ensue.

2018-04-04 04:27:11 UTC  

close enough

Its just like in the Scandinavian sagas

2018-04-04 04:27:29 UTC  

@ᚴᚬᚾᛁᚾᚴ ᚱᚢᚦᚴᚨᚱ (Hrothgar) Until you get over that nonsense, you'll never reach a fully liberal society

But who shall effort to strip influential families of their pride?

2018-04-04 04:28:10 UTC  


2018-04-04 04:28:17 UTC  

Until you get over mandatory service , you'll never reach a fully liberal society

There are Indian communities who solely base themselves on such shallow pride.

2018-04-04 04:28:21 UTC  

does this have to do with the caste system as well?

2018-04-04 04:28:37 UTC  

Wasn’t that abolished?

@Deleted User Maybe but mostly, no.

@Deleted User Not in people's hearts.

2018-04-04 04:28:55 UTC  

The US has a similar thing, but with only one group of individuals: black culture

2018-04-04 04:29:24 UTC  

@ᚴᚬᚾᛁᚾᚴ ᚱᚢᚦᚴᚨᚱ (Hrothgar) abolished by law but still in effect by society?

@Deleted User Yes and reinforced by the reverse casteism of the laws

2018-04-04 04:30:02 UTC  

like affirmative action?

Massive privileges and reservations for lower castes have disgruntled the otherwise normal people

2018-04-04 04:30:20 UTC  

Ahh, legislated morality. That ALWAYS works /s

And now people who were never casteist on seeing their jobs stolen under their noses despite them scoring way high in the entrance exams than a lower caste individual finds hatred for the latter.

2018-04-04 04:31:12 UTC  

for some reason I thought India was moving away from that

2018-04-04 04:31:24 UTC  

and allowing more market forces

I did not even know which caste was my friends until it came to admission to graduate colleges.

@Deleted User Moving away in a degree, not totally.

People are stopping to care nonetheless

2018-04-04 04:32:14 UTC  

Wasn’t India like socialist for a good part of the Cold War?

I did not feel any hatred to my lower caste friend for him getting admission in a better college than I did despite scoring low.

@Deleted User It is constitutionally socialist

2018-04-04 04:33:04 UTC  


Hence these laws have become the spirit of India

2018-04-04 04:33:34 UTC

2018-04-04 04:33:37 UTC  

so back to these feuds real quick, is it mostly a rural thing? maybe more development will make them chill out

Yes it is the Secular Socialist Democratic Republic of India.

2018-04-04 04:34:06 UTC  

Good for her, the feeling is mutual.

@Deleted User True that as soon as huge families break away in favour of secondary jobs in urban environment those family pride stuffs would be a goner.

2018-04-04 04:34:37 UTC  

more like jenny snout, if you know what i'm sayin...

2018-04-04 04:34:50 UTC  

@ᚴᚬᚾᛁᚾᚴ ᚱᚢᚦᚴᚨᚱ (Hrothgar) or when they move to better countries

@Deleted User I seriously do not want my people to flood the west.

That would be bad for the west

2018-04-04 04:35:55 UTC  
