Message from @Fulcrum010

Discord ID: 439521069343178756

2018-04-27 20:06:42 UTC  

They should stop being stupid, and release a full version of halo 3 themselves

2018-04-27 20:10:12 UTC  

<@&372509235365281803> are you still in SLO? There's a restaurant you can't really leave here without going to.

2018-04-27 20:11:01 UTC  

Saw the clip, the place looks beautyful

2018-04-27 20:11:10 UTC  

too posh for my taste though

2018-04-27 20:11:37 UTC  

for some reason I need some chaos in my environment

2018-04-27 20:13:40 UTC  

@lotaxi he isnt in the discord

2018-04-27 20:15:38 UTC  

Well that's upsetting D: now that his Twitter is dead what's the easiest way to reach him? I live in SLO and it's one of the rare chances I get to meet someone I really would like to XD

2018-04-27 20:15:57 UTC  

He has a gab

2018-04-27 20:16:45 UTC  

he does seem to use his email address

2018-04-27 20:16:54 UTC  

but I assume it's spammed as hell

2018-04-27 20:17:25 UTC  

just grab your bike and ride around town, it doesn't look like a big place

2018-04-27 20:17:30 UTC  

and he seems to be the walker

2018-04-27 20:17:38 UTC  

that is almost stalking though - lol

2018-04-27 20:18:02 UTC  

@Lowres Boy
A tip for you, condess what you have to say in one single message

2018-04-27 20:18:13 UTC  

Downtown is maybe 20sq blocks, yeah. And yes I feel as though hunting him down might not be a great way to meet him.

2018-04-27 20:18:21 UTC  

oh ok, is this a requirement?

2018-04-27 20:19:10 UTC  

Maybe you should rent a plane so that it flies a message to Sargon

2018-04-27 20:19:22 UTC  

No, it's because you send a lot of small messages, and that's a little bit annoying

2018-04-27 20:19:37 UTC  

Alright, I'll try my best, habits are hard to change though

2018-04-27 20:19:48 UTC  

Yeah, I know

2018-04-27 20:19:57 UTC  

Just keep trying and you will get there

2018-04-27 20:20:18 UTC  

yep, I've seen the video with the kid learning to ride his bike

2018-04-27 20:23:07 UTC  

This looks like its from a BDSM porno

2018-04-27 20:23:11 UTC  
2018-04-27 20:23:18 UTC  

that is quality duct tape - reminds me of Myth Busters for some reason

2018-04-27 20:23:30 UTC  

Also, I support the idea of free speech and etc

2018-04-27 20:23:42 UTC  

But seeing molineux and southern there kinda irks me

2018-04-27 20:23:53 UTC  

Specially because I don't think they are exactly pro free speech

2018-04-27 20:24:03 UTC  

multiple lines?

2018-04-27 20:24:05 UTC  


2018-04-27 20:24:15 UTC  

You are worse than me

2018-04-27 20:24:16 UTC  

Garbage privilege

2018-04-27 20:24:17 UTC  


2018-04-27 20:24:27 UTC  


2018-04-27 20:24:51 UTC  

I used to be a kekistani krusader

2018-04-27 20:24:55 UTC  

The only and actual working way to convince people on the left that free speech matters is to use the debate direction Jordan Peterson uses
"If marginalised groups are truly oppressed, a freedom to speak up about it without the government controlling allows them to find support, etc"
I've won over 3 work colleagues with just saying "Do you really want Trump deciding who says what"

2018-04-27 20:24:55 UTC  

Those where the days

2018-04-27 20:25:26 UTC  

oh of course, free speech benefits the margin way more

2018-04-27 20:25:36 UTC  

But no, they decide that Stefan "White people died in horror movie => genocide" Molyneux is the way the public
Seriously, Lauren Southern, the go-pro around Paris is an argument
this is not the best we have