Message from @Mal

Discord ID: 439769460715552778

Yeah the email is a much better way to report an issue

2018-04-28 12:09:36 UTC  

okay thank you

You are welcome

2018-04-28 12:27:13 UTC  

Or just comment on the video.

2018-04-28 12:27:20 UTC  

I'm sure nobody else commented on that.

I have no idea how Sargon managed to get married and actually produce a child

2018-04-28 12:30:32 UTC  


A broken clock is right twice a day I guess

mate I've got all the ingredients but I don't have the oven to bake the cake in


No Russian involvement in 2016

how long before they come after the shitposters

and then realise I'm a fucking Citizen

and I can vote

and I DO vote

and I do Campaign

and I see you

I don't just see you, I see right through you

2018-04-28 12:46:32 UTC  

Are you drunk?

2018-04-28 12:46:49 UTC  

He's Broo.

I'm Catholic

I'm always drunk

but I'm Woke-est individual

you'll ever meet

2018-04-28 12:48:35 UTC  

The SNP is being sneaky again

2018-04-28 12:48:42 UTC

in 20 minutes I'm gunna leave for a few hours and run a meal for the homeless

what are you gunna do with your afternoon?


2018-04-28 12:49:46 UTC  

You know what England, wanna come annex us?

nah, sort yourself out mate

2018-04-28 12:50:52 UTC  

You'd be better off surrendering to the vikings than the English.

We tried sorting you out, it didn't work

2018-04-28 12:51:29 UTC  

At the moment they seem to be going down the same sorta shit hole we are

2018-04-28 12:51:57 UTC  

Swedes never raided your isles, they sailed to Russia, so they're not the ones I'm talking about.

I try my best but my good intentions are not always accepted

2018-04-28 12:55:51 UTC  

Some people are difficult to help

They cannot be helped

They can only come to you

If they do help them