Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 444708550078627861
now that's fucking based
does that count handcuffing strippers to stolen ipad cages?
i heard something like that
does baked have his own server where a bot spams "now thats fucking based" every 5 seconds?
I didn't know that, but it got spamed continously in his tts stream
ddog, I don't know
I enjoy the quiet
now that I think about it, Kratos could use a hat
Didn't someone mention that an SJW has infiltrated the KotakuInAction moderator ranks?
haven't heard anything about it
What's the opposite of SJW?
sane person.
Are you a MGTOW
are you?
nope but im a Meninist
I hate how feminists bemoan Father's Day and the idea of men's rights
What do you think of circumcision?
according to the famous horseshoe theory it would be the alt right which would make it the polar opposite and similar in any other aspects to the sky as above mentioned
I think it's totally fucked up and I want to sue God for it.
Sue all the Jews for every penny and shekel
so what you're saying is that you hate jews
<:sargoy:382978736053551104> <:sargoy:382978736053551104> <:sargoy:382978736053551104>
No, I just want justice served
why are you a special snowflake?
Aren't we all?
what's the difference between a Christians and Jews?
We have our own social justice to be served
A dead kike
christians have shorter noses