Message from @Puma

Discord ID: 461009914907721729

2018-06-26 03:24:35 UTC  

make thingsinteresting

2018-06-26 03:25:07 UTC  

Also Oswalds son still funds the labour party

2018-06-26 03:25:27 UTC  

he's campaigning for more restrictions on the media (as right wing media is unfavourable towards him)

2018-06-26 03:26:03 UTC  

Remember when johnny Depp alluded to assassinating trump? How cray wouldthat be even if he didn't succeed

2018-06-26 03:26:08 UTC  

Tick tock, who will it be

2018-06-26 03:26:11 UTC  

I'll find a clip

2018-06-26 03:26:11 UTC  

Where will it be

2018-06-26 03:26:32 UTC  

Anyone up for VC?

2018-06-26 03:26:33 UTC  

an actress did it at that feminist march last year

2018-06-26 03:26:56 UTC  

Madonna talked about blowing up the white house

2018-06-26 03:27:01 UTC  

And that other idiot woman said similar things

2018-06-26 03:27:04 UTC  


2018-06-26 03:27:10 UTC  

it's all virtue signalling. Just shows what philistines they are

2018-06-26 03:27:15 UTC  

with the weird hybrid Hollywood/southern accent

2018-06-26 03:27:49 UTC  

Anybody up for voice chat?

2018-06-26 03:27:52 UTC  

his smug face

2018-06-26 03:28:11 UTC  

would if I had a mic <:gay:382982146249326612>

2018-06-26 03:28:36 UTC  

@Reaps Ashley Judd?

2018-06-26 03:28:38 UTC  

Join me Galm!

2018-06-26 03:28:48 UTC  

Own the Libs Comfortably Smug style

2018-06-26 03:29:01 UTC  

pretty sure that's the one

2018-06-26 03:29:06 UTC  

you really *are* autistic, aren't you

2018-06-26 03:29:15 UTC  


2018-06-26 03:29:19 UTC  

not you.

2018-06-26 03:29:24 UTC  

you too, then.

2018-06-26 03:29:29 UTC  


2018-06-26 03:29:39 UTC  

You see, everyone is Autistic really

2018-06-26 03:29:47 UTC  

Then noone is <:high_iq:382980759012638731>

2018-06-26 03:29:50 UTC  

Some choose to embrace it while other hide it

2018-06-26 03:29:58 UTC

2018-06-26 03:29:59 UTC

2018-06-26 03:30:00 UTC  

Do you guys see yourselves as egoists or altruists?

2018-06-26 03:30:09 UTC  

"you guys"

2018-06-26 03:30:20 UTC  

brb asking alexa what egoist means

2018-06-26 03:30:35 UTC  


2018-06-26 03:30:41 UTC  


2018-06-26 03:31:00 UTC  
2018-06-26 03:31:15 UTC  

are you a girl

2018-06-26 03:31:23 UTC  


2018-06-26 03:31:36 UTC  

whatever you want them to be