Message from @Over.9000.Pepes
Discord ID: 462526851563388931
thanks bud
the music stopped on my end
everytime i try to access the focabot command website it times out
it's shit, just like the bot
it would be nice if people who actually are adding songs to tell us how it works instead of ignoring us
looking at you @Reaps
they probably don't want you to add music to it lol
though he might be busy doing something else
typical facists
Good morning dog
How are you today?
You can have all my rage for free @M4Gunner
pretty good cetronius, how are you?
Pretty good
am I the only who thought that the Shapiro, Peterson, Weinstein, Rubin video sucked?
they did not have enough time to get into anything
seemed like a wasted opportunity
Thanks @M4Gunner but I like my anal cavity the way it is
FFS still cant hear anything in Music
there we go, rebooted discord and now it work
Im sure there is a nice padded cell that can accomodate her
@Reaps how do you add tunes to the music
because you said therapist and i read it as the rapist
Hi Reaps
`i t h a p p e n e d`
less than three minutes in
```what about Russia?```
Like, Bill *kinda* has a point
vis-a-vis how weird it is that so many on the right have flipped on Russia and free trade
All they've done is basically flipped to the same sort of thinking that Dems have endorsed for decades now
"Russia ain't nothing"
"Free trade is bad"
I think Obama's exact words were "the 1980s called they want their foreign policy back"