Message from @Kollins

Discord ID: 463581389619593227

2018-07-03 05:39:08 UTC  

lol toronto ontario

2018-07-03 05:39:10 UTC  
2018-07-03 05:39:15 UTC  

and vancouver

2018-07-03 05:39:31 UTC  

top regressive cities in canada

2018-07-03 05:40:06 UTC  

and they can keep the french speaking parts too. It's bad enough we have to learn Spanish as a second language, let alone learning to speak surrender.

2018-07-03 05:40:18 UTC  

nah the froggies are awesome

2018-07-03 05:40:46 UTC  

they can meet up with their long lost relatives in Louisiana

2018-07-03 05:40:48 UTC  


2018-07-03 05:40:59 UTC  

@Kollins that's why I'm saying we should annex quebec and start a french-spanish race war

2018-07-03 05:41:08 UTC  


2018-07-03 05:41:32 UTC  

I kinda hate the whole French Cowardice Sterotype. It's not as insulting as the reality.

2018-07-03 05:41:45 UTC  

Cajun Accents are amazing!

2018-07-03 05:41:52 UTC  


2018-07-03 05:42:42 UTC  

The reality being totally inept lack of common sense planning, oh and losing most your army to starvation. Cowardice would at least imply enough intelligence to avoid a fight they can't win.

2018-07-03 05:42:54 UTC  

it's cliche, but next to the surrender stereotype is the 4ft tall leader napalm or whatever his name was

2018-07-03 05:44:33 UTC  

A more modern example. Doesn't the French Navy currently have a really expensive Nuclear Aircraft carrier that can't be used because it was built and designed wrong? Moving slower then the steam powered Aircraft Carrier it was meant to replace?

2018-07-03 05:44:37 UTC  

you mean an army needs logistics? I suppose next you'll tell me someone wrote about that 1500 years ago

2018-07-03 05:46:22 UTC  

yea but in the US of A we built a tank that can't fit on normal roads or trains!

2018-07-03 05:46:48 UTC  

The Nazis designed a tank that couldn't cross bridges.

2018-07-03 05:46:54 UTC  

Then again France has a pretty bad track record with nuclear too. I mean didn't their famous Scientist who discovered Radiation also die from it?

2018-07-03 05:46:56 UTC  

true that

2018-07-03 05:47:21 UTC  


2018-07-03 05:47:55 UTC  

Discovering radiation doesn't mean discovering it's unhealthy.

2018-07-03 05:47:59 UTC  

When people speculate on the What if's of WW2 too much focus on the Germans. The juiciest bit is from Japan actually.

2018-07-03 05:48:32 UTC  

do tell

2018-07-03 05:48:38 UTC  

Tesla unknowingly built an X-Ray machine because it created a "weird glow", before X-Rays were discovered.

2018-07-03 05:49:06 UTC  

Fun fact in the earliest planning stages for the war. Like deciding where to focus R and D for the future of the War. First Suggestion in that Japanese Meeting. "Hey what if we make a bomb powered by an Atomic reaction." Immediately laughed off in favor of a "Death Ray"

2018-07-03 05:49:25 UTC  

ello owl

2018-07-03 05:49:40 UTC  

For context how much of an Impact this would've made. Your talking years before they even thought of the Manhattan project.

2018-07-03 05:50:10 UTC  

Manhattan project required a tremendous amount of intellectual power, as well as a fucking load of money.

2018-07-03 05:50:16 UTC  

And they messed up their War planning in the most stereotypically Japanese way possible. Opting for the "Death Ray"

2018-07-03 05:50:16 UTC  

yea those boys didnt fare well with the protection from radiation thing either

2018-07-03 05:50:22 UTC  


2018-07-03 05:50:45 UTC  

Japan wouldn't be able to develop nukes, nor the Nazis.

2018-07-03 05:51:12 UTC  

I dunno we got a lot of the talent for Manhatten Project from Germany

2018-07-03 05:51:20 UTC  

Scott Manley has a series (he just published a new video), "Going Nuclear", about all the various difficulties in making a nuclear bomb.

2018-07-03 05:51:20 UTC  

It's not so much the likelihood of them devolving nukes. More the hilaritaity of what they opted for instead.

2018-07-03 05:51:23 UTC  

The sheer infrastructure the US had is what allowed us to develop the bomb

2018-07-03 05:51:53 UTC  

I mean. Passing up nuke research for the "Death Ray" Sounds like an Really old Godzilla movie plot.

2018-07-03 05:52:12 UTC  

that's so true

2018-07-03 05:52:36 UTC  

Reminder, nearly all of the useful properties of the periodic table were discovered by the Manhattan project.