Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 463795372163334165
Y'all need Jesus
i need baby cheezit
Robo Jesus?
i practice ancestor worshiping
that is enough for me
i dont need a guy who i dont even know
Just worship Woden then
Does that mean you do rain dances and shiet?
not my ancestor
no rain dance
He is the "all father"
just a prayer
ur delusional
JEsus is fake news
I'm just saying, how do you know a rain dance somewhere isn't causing rain?
Think a little man
o.o we never know
XD he is going to explain
plz do
Holy shit, is he actually explaining?
The anticipation is killing me
What the fuck
I mean, that makes sense
but a prayer is just inquiry to the divine
You know what this joke got out of hand.
whether it is answer or not is relevant
I can't tell if you're seriously explaining this stuff to me or if we're mutually joking
That's true
xD he is serious i think
That is also true
you should be, I'm so fucking offended you dumb fucker