Message from @Achlys
Discord ID: 463796345518424065
ur delusional
JEsus is fake news
I'm just saying, how do you know a rain dance somewhere isn't causing rain?
Think a little man
Because it’s some fake ass shit
o.o we never know
XD he is going to explain
plz do
Holy shit, is he actually explaining?
The anticipation is killing me
What the fuck
I mean, that makes sense
but a prayer is just inquiry to the divine
You know what this joke got out of hand.
I can't tell if you're seriously explaining this stuff to me or if we're mutually joking
That's true
xD he is serious i think
That is also true
you should be, I'm so fucking offended you dumb fucker
xD cultural anthropology is good for comparisons
it makes the nuances more interesting
Did you guys know that fire trucks are actually water trucks?
Excuse me, but #AllCulturesareBeautiful
yes it can be but as a student u should be more inquistive not blind follower
which i know is not popular these days
I seriously do believe there is objective truth, and that the West is objectively better, for what it's worth
pics or didnt happen
didnt happen
Can't tell how seriously you're taking me, tbh
pics can be fabricated. nothing ever happens now
And voices can be fabricated, too, Google is working on it.