Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 464030339732471818
I don't even think at this point germans are electing her. Or my expectation of germans is too high
Its just the coalitions propping her up
(not including recent immigrants as culturally german)
Germany needs a government thats hard on immigration because god damn they were hit so hard by them
And the thing is that its all merkels fault
deportations of people that fail to give legitimate identification
I see flaws in this yes
But you get my point
I actually like the directions hungarys going with immigration
There's already so many people in there changing germany that border tightening at this point is post the damage that has been done
happy freedom day
Hungary is genius. They put their border fence back a few kms from their border so any illegals they expedite isn't technically against the EU's policy
They're still in Hungary
Generally these immigrants go onto countries like France or Germany after this
Did you see the bbc interview with hungarys where the interviewer tried to accuse hungary of not needing their border policies because they don't have an immigration problem but its because of their hard controls that they dont have the problem
6million dimensional chess
Like its obvious all these europhiles hate the idea of self determination fml why are they against nations deciding their own laws
Jesus christ that's a shitload of emojis
European Union was fine when it was purely an economical agreement and not trying to impose a super socialist state
Well yeah it was designed in order to prevent another european war
And it did that? Whilst creating economic prosperity
But now
It's trying to impose laws and rendering the sovereignty of those countries useless
Yeah its just trying to impose things on nations that don't want them
Yeah thats the one dude
based Uralics
Watch it cos this guy is actually great
I can already tell he's 200iq
look at that forehead
Man this fuckin reporter is talking to an expert in European Law and Hungarian law and she's like HURR DURR YOU DON'T KNOW NUFIN I'M RIGHT
she's talking down to him
Yeah exactly
These fuckin europhiles are all middle class elitists
fuck me look at the body language
Don't you understand how RACSIST you are?
See how she angles away from him