Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 464034299549581313
Yeah thats the one dude
based Uralics
Watch it cos this guy is actually great
I can already tell he's 200iq
look at that forehead
Man this fuckin reporter is talking to an expert in European Law and Hungarian law and she's like HURR DURR YOU DON'T KNOW NUFIN I'M RIGHT
she's talking down to him
Yeah exactly
These fuckin europhiles are all middle class elitists
fuck me look at the body language
Don't you understand how RACSIST you are?
See how she angles away from him
with the fuckin shoulder and the chin
I remember an interview on swedish news with a data scientist about migrant violence
When the reporter tried to imply that he was a bigot, he literally just stopped talking and stared at her like she was going mental
it was hilarious
Why do they care so much about what the hubgarians do with their own country
Would they have a problem with an aftican country ending white immigration?
Not when push comes to shove they're not
Nah they sit in their ivory towers and think "oh this country needs some enrichment look at those poor africans"
whilst increasing taxes for the middle class
Because they need tax gibs to pay for an increasingly larger welfare state
Thing is how else will you pay for it?
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by not increasing the size of the welfare stae\
Less welfare less taxation
and decreasing the size of the welfare state means less immigration
and less of a gap between the lower income earners and middle income earners
and by gap I mean there's a cross over between where it's not actually beneficial to get a job over getting welfare. Hence some people would rather remain in the lower income earns or non-workers that receive welfare
Are there routine paid posters that post a twitter feed on here
Im shooked
Im literally shaking
hue hue
Bulk shit
oy why is voice chat dead