Message from @Mips

Discord ID: 484606986688659458

2018-08-30 06:08:41 UTC  

wrong answer

2018-08-30 06:08:46 UTC  

you don't want tea

2018-08-30 06:09:02 UTC  

in fact no one in their right mind does

2018-08-30 06:09:24 UTC  

I like my night time tea

2018-08-30 06:09:32 UTC  

gets you high,ish

2018-08-30 06:09:43 UTC  

all legal herbs

2018-08-30 06:10:11 UTC  

it does taste like barf tho

2018-08-30 06:10:47 UTC  

it is that sort of high

2018-08-30 06:10:53 UTC  

you don't get high really

2018-08-30 06:10:58 UTC  

you get relaxed

2018-08-30 06:11:22 UTC  

I have a bunch of nerverelated shit, and the tea makes it possible to sleep without weed

2018-08-30 06:11:26 UTC  

pukka nighttime

2018-08-30 06:13:04 UTC  


2018-08-30 06:13:24 UTC  

it's wheat flowers, liqourice, weird shit mixed together

2018-08-30 06:14:14 UTC  

it's not really the taste

2018-08-30 06:14:22 UTC  

it tastes meh

2018-08-30 06:14:25 UTC  

you can drink it

2018-08-30 06:14:30 UTC  

but not enjoy it

2018-08-30 06:14:39 UTC  


2018-08-30 06:14:51 UTC  

it's staranis

2018-08-30 06:15:09 UTC  

tastes the same

2018-08-30 06:15:32 UTC  

try it to calm yo tits

2018-08-30 06:15:40 UTC  

it's good for that

2018-08-30 06:15:52 UTC  

and I dodged a bullet by going to bed yesterday

2018-08-30 06:16:06 UTC  

or poor werlf would have to listen to bully boys

2018-08-30 06:16:19 UTC  

six million more

2018-08-30 06:16:24 UTC  

my contribution

2018-08-30 06:16:34 UTC  

and yes here, so that I do not get shadow banned

2018-08-30 06:31:52 UTC  

So much nasty

2018-08-30 06:34:50 UTC  

Looks like someone posted it already, but worth a repost

2018-08-30 06:52:38 UTC  

@Deleted User tea is for children

2018-08-30 06:53:07 UTC  

`i n t e n s e d e r p`

2018-08-30 06:53:52 UTC  

First guy just makes shit up out of whole cloth and tries to equate 'creating a face force' to fascism

2018-08-30 06:54:19 UTC  

Second guy sounds like the 'Rick and Morty high IQ' comment come to life

2018-08-30 06:54:35 UTC  


2018-08-30 06:55:32 UTC  

`fascism won ww2`

2018-08-30 06:55:43 UTC  

because the US is exactly like Italy was in 1940

2018-08-30 06:55:46 UTC  

@Deleted User the elderly and kids drink tea here

2018-08-30 06:56:29 UTC  

@Deleted User I'll slay a few pots of coffee per day

2018-08-30 06:56:38 UTC  

fascism lost ww2