Message from @Nordhand

Discord ID: 490124031001886752

2018-09-14 11:27:53 UTC  

say what you want about old ww1 naval guns being outdated. when they hit you they fuck up your day no matter what you show up in

2018-09-14 11:29:02 UTC  

A lot of WW2 artillery is either sourced from, or can be traced back to models of WW1 (or even pre-WW1) artillery

2018-09-14 11:30:30 UTC  

Even the 75mm on the M4 Sherman can be traced back to the French M1897

So we've been fighting the French this whole time?

2018-09-14 11:31:44 UTC  

some medium artillery guns today is from ww2 just given better optics and such

2018-09-14 11:32:23 UTC  

well we can blame a lot of shit on the French as they are the masters of fucking it up for everyone

It's like we should have a 100 year long war

2018-09-14 11:33:32 UTC  

its a metal barrel, not much can change during 100 years with that

Create the USA with said opponent

2018-09-14 11:34:08 UTC  

or let go back to the original 100 year war and give the English guns so they can beat down the French for good

but we don't need guns

I got my spoon

2018-09-14 11:35:24 UTC  

nah, far more to artillery than 'a metal barrel'

2018-09-14 11:35:38 UTC  

that being said, the fact we've gone from smoothbore to rifled and back to smoothbore again is interesting in of itself

2018-09-14 11:36:03 UTC  

less maintenance with smoothbore

2018-09-14 11:36:23 UTC  

cant fire sabot out of rifled either

2018-09-14 11:36:39 UTC  

or well, you prob can, But no need for it

we can make it fit

2018-09-14 11:37:55 UTC  

they have tried to improve the artillery guns, but it turns out that they did do a such good job when they made them any improvement they can think of is so miniscule that it don't cover the cost of doing so. so they have focused on other parts of the system like ammo and the platform it self

2018-09-14 11:38:38 UTC  

Pretty sure the 77mm HV was rifled, but the accuracy of the sabot on that was reportedly terrible

2018-09-14 11:43:50 UTC  

@Reaps yea it had APDS, but it was so innacurate beyond 400 yards they didnt use it much

You boat fucks and atillery fucks talk funny

2018-09-14 11:45:22 UTC  

go away

Retrieve or deliver

2018-09-14 11:47:22 UTC  

retrieve and discard

also an option

2018-09-14 11:47:50 UTC  


2018-09-14 11:48:00 UTC  

retreieve, deliver. Torture, then discard

Where did you get my butt tattoo?

2018-09-14 11:51:07 UTC  

did he get other tramp stamp?

it was very funny

I know what to do with a woman that has a tramp stamp

but when man paints a butterfly on his middle