Message from @Dwarforn

Discord ID: 493211706130956321

2018-09-22 23:35:44 UTC  

Yeah, the 'Raw' brand. It's pretty shit paper for rolling

2018-09-22 23:43:18 UTC  

If that’s what he considers a big ole butt then consider me Nicki Minaj

2018-09-22 23:45:58 UTC  

some men find a wide tilted pelvis attractive

2018-09-22 23:47:41 UTC  

🤔 studies show such attractions are biolgicially founded infact, since women with wider pelvis would have less complications in natural child-birth, this leading to those with such preferances to reproduce where others would have died.

2018-09-22 23:48:59 UTC  


2018-09-22 23:49:41 UTC  

but it is tho, why else would we have attraction hard-wired into our brains to motivate us to reproduce

2018-09-22 23:49:52 UTC  

That's not true

2018-09-22 23:49:56 UTC  

It's a social construct

2018-09-22 23:50:19 UTC  

<:think_woke:378717098681171988> ***NO***

2018-09-22 23:50:54 UTC  

But then... that would mean... homosexuality is *abnormal?*

2018-09-22 23:53:45 UTC  

<:think_woke:378717098681171988> ***Possibly***

2018-09-22 23:55:34 UTC  

being abnormal doesn't mean it is unacceptable, lets be clear. That is my stance.

2018-09-22 23:55:44 UTC  

Yeah, I agree entirely

2018-09-22 23:57:03 UTC  

I just hate it when people try to shoehorn in some weird argument that homosexuality and transgenderism is somehow some 'natural' biologically emergent behavior with a definitive purpose

2018-09-23 00:00:56 UTC  

:dollar:** Support Sargon of Akkad on Maker support and Patreon!** :dollar:

2018-09-23 00:01:12 UTC  

Homosexuality is entirely separate to Transgenderism: If we run on my hypothesis that attraction is partially biologicial incentive, which is irrefutable at this point, Homosexuality makes sense due to how the mind is one of the last things to mature in the womb prenatally - and is affected by the mother's hormones.

Transgenderism on the other hand, in many ways, is homosexuality with cosmetic augmentations to meet the demands of the patient.

2018-09-23 00:03:14 UTC  

If you remove the cosmetic sugeries and drugs from a Transgender 'woman' in a relationship with a man, it is clearly a homosexual relationship.

2018-09-23 00:06:21 UTC  

What about trans gays? Women who want to be men and are attracted to men, or vise versa?

2018-09-23 00:07:14 UTC  

My point is its a cosmetic sexual fantasy that they demand others play allong with

2018-09-23 00:13:45 UTC  

@Goblin_Slayer_Floki You mean that straight dude who says he's a woman with a Girlfriend, Riley?

2018-09-23 00:14:35 UTC  

Basically. Or a woman says they are a dude [has surgury possibly] but is attracted to men.

2018-09-23 00:15:17 UTC  

its still purely cosmetic and serves no biolgical purpose, especially since everything they go through is artificial intervention

2018-09-23 00:15:43 UTC  

I get that, but i love watching sjws mental gymnastic it

2018-09-23 00:17:00 UTC  

I'm a shy guy who likes to think through the "why" of everything. I'd absolutely suck if put on the spot due to anxiety, but if given time to prepare I could refute them.

2018-09-23 00:17:46 UTC  

My postmodernist Essay lecturer called me a "Essentialist"

2018-09-23 00:18:41 UTC  

not sure if it was an insult or an observation in his mind 🤔

2018-09-23 00:20:06 UTC  

No, it just means he's a hippy dippy fag who is too bent up on using obscure language

2018-09-23 00:20:30 UTC  

I agreed with the polish women in my class that masculinity and femininity are inate and partially biolgocial. Most of the western girls (especially the one with daddy issues) disagreed and said patriarchy exists...

2018-09-23 00:20:53 UTC  

Good thing reality is not based on popular opinion

2018-09-23 00:24:42 UTC  

they're all thots

2018-09-23 00:24:47 UTC  

@Fitzydog Essentialism is the stance most people who ground things in biology make. All it means is the belief that something is inate and has indevidual vales

2018-09-23 00:24:49 UTC  

they don't have opinions

2018-09-23 00:25:29 UTC  

@Dwarforn You mean people who believe in reality and don't try to bend existing definitions for their own purposes?

2018-09-23 00:25:54 UTC  

__Pretty much. Here's a Meriam Webster definition:__

Definition of Essentialism
1 : an educational theory that ideas and skills basic to a culture should be taught to all alike by time-tested methods — compare PROGRESSIVISM
2 : a philosophical theory ascribing ultimate reality to essence embodied in a thing perceptible to the senses — compare NOMINALISM
3 : the practice of regarding something (such as a presumed human trait) as having innate existence or universal validity rather than as being a social, ideological, or intellectual construct

2018-09-23 00:27:59 UTC  

Yeah, Essentialist is pretty much anyone who disagrees that Gender and identity and wholly social constructs

2018-09-23 00:28:33 UTC  

Yeah, so the basic philosophy of the west for the past 3000 years.

2018-09-23 00:29:13 UTC  

you could tell my lecturer was actually trying his hardest to seem neutral... he failed numerous times.

2018-09-23 00:30:17 UTC  

"Postmodernist theory", compulsory modual.

2018-09-23 00:33:18 UTC  

At this point all I can say on the Kavanagh case is that the timing of it is politically weaponised.

Unfortunately there is still the chance that he did commit sexual harrassment, we'll have to see what happens.