Message from @Shurik
Discord ID: 493997172451180564
Shurik is correct
I want a cyberpunk liberalist society where everyone has cat ears
That's what I'm trying to tell you, there are many hybrid animals that can be born from either parentage, and be fertile
But I think that might only apply to animals. The thing for plants is a tad more complicated
Actually I’d have rather have a gay cyberpunk catholic austrofascist theocracy
yes but not with othe hybrids
I was wrong
not sure how accurate or reliable that website is
Science daily is pretty well known
plants species work totally different in plant hybrids can freely breed and species are like muddy water
No bwacks in the owonostate
Lots of hybrids are sterile, but not all of them
I think its most
that's super cool I won't lie
hell some plants even use horizontal gene transphere via bacteria swapping on pollen
And some of that "sterility" means that they can't reproduce among their parent species any more, not that they are entirely incapable of reproducing
Savannah cat: Cross between the Serval and domestic cat.
that sounds dope af
Servals are fine as is
Bengals: Cross between Asian leopord cat and domestic cat.
Hell, I mean, Neanderthals and humans interbred
idk its the whole novelty of a hybrid
Large and wild enough to be a novelty, but small enough to throw across the room if it gets uppity
@flyingfoxel under that definition black people are human monkey hybrids
I mean i try not to be mean to my cats
That's a key factor for pets: killabillity
Well, they're wild animals
Don't keep things in your house that will win in a fight against you unarmed
I prefer semi-domesticated.
That's asking to end up like monkey lady
Well if it's outside then it's fine
I mean in that case should women ever marry? :3
still all under the genus homo and our understanding of their genetic code is foggy to the point they we dont know they were geographically distinct
killabilty in pets huh? you ever seen a horse kick someone? or a cow. still domesticated them
Also, isn't the point of a guard dog, the ability to fight against a human and win?
I mean I think its to injure not kill
I love guard dogs
but pitbulls and comanpy are dogs that I don't think I cold kill with my bare hands