Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 567425870457995264
I didn't think it's real because that's almost like a second 9/11.
le corbusier already has plans
Was Vee inside it?
i thought you wrote "they're gonna replace it with bananas" @Deleted User
When it burned
How the fuck did it even burn?
Causes unknown yet
a communist architect did it
Probably stems from the renovation
They probably remove some roof
That's the likely suspect right now
flying sparks from construction
there was probably an "allahu akbar" heard somewhere
```The peak of the 12th century cathedral was undergoing a $6.8 million renovation project.
Just last week, the 16 copper statues that represent the 12 apostles and four evangelists were removed for restoration.
French media quoted the Paris fire brigade saying the fire is βpotentially linkedβ to the renovation work.```
if you wanna put on your tinfoil hat however
Why didn't you fags just say that?
the timing **could** indicate it might be planned
Jesus, don't make me talk about statistics again.
Easter is this sunday, after all
if it was planned
wouldn't it be in the news?
they are going to make a castle for emmanuel macron
the reawakening of jesus this easter is going to be epic
that the planned renovations are going on
if it was planned, somebody probably would've taken credit already
Adolf knows <:pepe_smug:560207654207750154>
Well, now they really have a reason to renovate it.
Probably just a nasty coincidence. No reason to think otherwise yet.
planned by abdul
I'm betting on construction sparks