Message from @TrunksBish
Discord ID: 567426187769544719
Easter is this sunday, after all
if it was planned
wouldn't it be in the news?
they are going to make a castle for emmanuel macron
the reawakening of jesus this easter is going to be epic
that the planned renovations are going on
if it was planned, somebody probably would've taken credit already
Adolf knows <:pepe_smug:560207654207750154>
Well, now they really have a reason to renovate it.
Probably just a nasty coincidence. No reason to think otherwise yet.
planned by abdul
I'm betting on construction sparks
it was the contractor
Still, this is shitty.
It's awful.
I wanted to visit it still.
imagine if they replace it with bauhaus by le corbusier
I've never been there.
It's as if someone tore down the Eiffel Tower before you had a chance to go to Paris.
If it burns down comepletly it would make room for a mosque
Eiffel tower doesn't really compare
i remember going to paris for a weekend in like 2015 or 2016
Did you know that there are 72 names on the Eiffel Tower?
and then 2 weeks later they had that bombing
They are of famous people, like Cauchy.
cauchy <:think_madpepe:378717098630971395>
Which is a great segway, because Cauchy was a famous methamatician.
<:pepe_eyes:378719408362881024> β
He is responsible for things like the Cauchy distribution.
<:what:382980756139409409> <:think_woke:378717098681171988>
did you met any handsome refugees in the city of love @Deleted User