Message from @JayJS
Discord ID: 617850738525077544
Did you see 1940s russia?
It was like the 14th century
The term 3rd world was literally made to refer to communist countries
Capitalism is better for agrarian shithole countries too, compared how many people died in the USSR for it to industrialize compared to how many died in the US for the same process to happen
But instead of swords they had shitty bolt actions
Russia had fucking serfdom before the Crimean war
@Apache no 3rd world was non aligned
2nd world was communist
Russia was a complete peasant illiterate hellhole in the 19th century
@Capitán Alatriste ah my mitsake
Communism briefly made it the second largest economy in the world
These are facts
Russia became the world's second largest economy from a peasant agrarian shithole
Still not #1 tho B)
China became the world's first largest economy from a peasant agrarian shithole
No one's beaten america in awhile
China has few years back already
Their GDP is like half of americas
That was irrelevant so its poof now
Their nominal GDP is equivalent to that of usa
But nominal GDP is one giant piece of elephant manure
Fuck thats beautiful
Gimme boris hair in the wind
Boris is a trump wannabe
The US went from a completely agrarian society to the largest industrialized economy (by far) in less than 200 years. Capitalism did it with much fewer deaths
And the people who did die were undesirables
We could do with less niggers and chinks
USA was industrialized from the start
yes Antifa must understand that they are the first to go to the gulags, since they are nothing but troublemakers
As industrialized as countries got these days
Political dissidents
US industrialized right after UK, even before Germany
Those who do not submit to the gulags