Message from @Son of Rome

Discord ID: 623271852730613780

it's like shitting a brick

while my laptop tries to take off like a helicopter

2019-09-16 20:47:29 UTC  

@M4Gunner I dont watch any of those shitty British political youtubers, because my country had the common sense to instill checks and balances within our government

2019-09-16 20:53:29 UTC  

what about Sargon

2019-09-16 20:53:31 UTC  



2019-09-16 21:18:03 UTC  

Sargon is <:gay:382982146249326612>

Checks and balances

Trump wins <:covfefe:440543908846632980>

Checks and balances

they ran Hillary against him

2019-09-16 21:22:17 UTC  

if the deep state/establishment wanted hilary to win then why didn't they just pretend to count the votes fairly and let her win?

because Russia

because the Alt-Right

because Cartoon Frogs

because memes

were just too powerful

Pussy Grabbing did no damage

2019-09-16 21:32:27 UTC  

I thought for sure the Moscow golden shower girls would stick 😦

2019-09-16 21:39:08 UTC  

that bit was pure desperation

2019-09-16 21:39:49 UTC  

Do you think the silent coup conspirators will face the judge's gavel?

2019-09-16 21:41:13 UTC  

they did try to make Hillary win against Obama the first time but the amount of votes to fudge was to great for even them

2019-09-16 21:41:30 UTC  

Was that the same case for 2016?

2019-09-16 21:41:38 UTC  

I mean, Hilary is a horrible candidate

2019-09-16 21:41:46 UTC  

Im not sure why they keep playing him

2019-09-16 21:42:05 UTC  

Surely theres other "woman" candidates that would be way more qualified

2019-09-16 21:42:11 UTC  

And alot less sketchy

2019-09-16 21:42:41 UTC  

Hillary was the democrats sugar mommy

2019-09-16 21:43:12 UTC  

democrats dont own anything, it all borrowed money or handouts from others

2019-09-16 21:43:57 UTC  

one bad day and the bank take everything back

2019-09-16 22:15:31 UTC  

Guys did you know that Hitler and nazi are CONSERVATIVES? Is this the stupidest comment of the day

2019-09-16 22:24:47 UTC  

got some bad news guys... I think sargon is turning into a boomer.

2019-09-16 22:25:13 UTC  


2019-09-16 22:25:57 UTC  

seriously does the man not understand what a crackshipping is.

2019-09-16 22:26:30 UTC  

A what

2019-09-16 22:27:05 UTC  

the act of shipping to characters as a joke with nothing serious behind it.

2019-09-16 22:29:06 UTC  

almost certainly the babadook it ship is just a stupid joke the internet dreamed up for shits and giggles.

2019-09-16 22:29:17 UTC  

and I've seen even dumber crackships.

2019-09-16 22:54:22 UTC  
2019-09-16 22:57:38 UTC  

>wants the world to burn
>advocates for progressivism
story checks out, chief

2019-09-16 22:58:00 UTC  

I can see why they think the joker is a dream partner for them. every time they speak up they get the back hand