Message from @Flint
Discord ID: 508165195957534730
I scrolled up, didn't see anything offhand
so they were basically peasants that were very tough and basically were vassals of the russian tsar
Just when I think I know history, you fellas bring me back down to earth
over time, they transformed into a more organized fighting force and became a crucial fighting unit of the cavalry
Cossacks exist even today
in fact, they are very right wing
I don't know Russian history at all outside of 1918 onward (and even then...)
The world's a big place...
their most famous stunt from the last decade is when they whipped Pussy Riot with whips during the Sochi olympics
Oh, that's them? I love those guys!
based and redpilled
For anyone who has visited Kazakstahn, this is one of their ornamental gardens in Astana.
They should have consulted the painting
@guacmerchant that's cool, how do you know so much about the land of Borat?
@guacmerchant Wow, that looks pretty 60's scifi futuristic
raise your hand if you love retrofuturism
Like, they have 7ft tall blonde women
@YourFundamentalTheorum I don't I just remember wanting to visit some of the architectural wonders of the stans, despite the bad transport.
How many Stans are worth going too, though?
Pretty rough area
If I was 18 and thought I was invincible, I might go
they are all former soviet countries
and they have really high tensions between them
Now that I realize my mortality, I won't even go to a Braves game...
yeah the soviets built that shit
i think
Commies built that?
Yea surprised it isn't in ruins
they built a lot of stuff in the stans
Can't still exist...
it's funny because this is what internationalism leads to
your own people are starving
I would be imagined of my shock
but hey, at least the people in Kazakhstan are apprciating communism and gibs