Message from @RetardO ExtremeO

Discord ID: 449914992125542401

2018-05-26 12:24:59 UTC  

more like loney af <:smug:402400327313391616>

2018-05-26 12:25:24 UTC  

My fren is on his way

2018-05-26 12:26:40 UTC  

Loner nationalism <:virgin:402360028528377868>

2018-05-26 12:31:01 UTC  

Whole room singing lil dicky.

2018-05-26 12:36:20 UTC  
2018-05-26 12:36:29 UTC  

No u

2018-05-26 12:36:52 UTC  

Taxi is taking ages to pick up my fren.

2018-05-26 12:37:02 UTC  

>hedonism in the chat

2018-05-26 12:38:12 UTC  

Only had one wine so far tonight.

2018-05-26 12:38:38 UTC  

das aight

2018-05-26 12:39:00 UTC  

This is what I'm talking about though

2018-05-26 12:39:07 UTC  

@Hambone1453 What's going on, boy?

2018-05-26 12:39:45 UTC  

I honestly can't be be fucked waiting in line for a wine. lol

2018-05-26 12:40:52 UTC  
2018-05-26 12:40:53 UTC  

Stone him

2018-05-26 12:41:07 UTC  

Reminder that anyone who rationalizes dick tingles is a weak animal of a man

2018-05-26 12:41:12 UTC  

Cultural Christians are cancerous

2018-05-26 12:41:19 UTC  

Don't give into temptations

2018-05-26 12:41:22 UTC  

Have fun being enslaved by fucking cumming lmao

2018-05-26 12:41:24 UTC  

MUH Dick ruins marriages

2018-05-26 12:41:33 UTC  

God clearly states "Do not have sex before marriage"

2018-05-26 12:41:48 UTC  

How can people mix this up with "Welll...... SOME is okay....."

2018-05-26 12:42:32 UTC  

"Listen Big Guy, Creator of The Universe, Savior of Mankind, I know I'm not supposed to do this and all, but um, I want to cum, so sorry God"

2018-05-26 12:43:37 UTC  

I think he's also referring to when you're married

2018-05-26 12:44:17 UTC  

Well if you're married (and it's with your wife obviously) go right ahead

2018-05-26 12:44:27 UTC  

But if you're not, stop that shit

2018-05-26 12:50:29 UTC  

Now that's powerful

2018-05-26 12:51:02 UTC  

that's a pretty good photoshop

2018-05-26 12:51:14 UTC  

paid someone to meme him

2018-05-26 12:56:16 UTC

2018-05-26 13:21:04 UTC  

Nick status: owned

2018-05-26 13:33:48 UTC  

imagine going onto youtube with the name sage311x to talk about a guy's dad's nose

2018-05-26 13:33:58 UTC  

that seems like it would be really gay

2018-05-26 13:34:02 UTC  

yet someone did it

2018-05-26 13:34:09 UTC  

and thought they werent being gay

2018-05-26 13:34:10 UTC  


2018-05-26 13:36:09 UTC  

WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More- government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other discors, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten discords in the next ten minutes u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 53 mins someone will say i love you or im sorry

2018-05-26 13:37:53 UTC  

"This isn't fake. apparently..."

2018-05-26 13:38:56 UTC  

Dancing to sandstorm is peak chad