Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 449913717212315660
Buy him more siggies?
And then beat em for smoking.
Just got a drunk guy that doesn't know what space is and thot who wanted to tell me her whole story.
Good morning
I'm too sober for this
If only you knew how bad things are
good morning fellas
Hey homie.
My frens almost here.
I've never been in such a packed place before.
Especially of drunk people.
that’s the worst
It's pretty amusing tbh.
Got a section all to myself. Make me look vip af.
more like loney af <:smug:402400327313391616>
My fren is on his way
Loner nationalism <:virgin:402360028528377868>
Whole room singing lil dicky.
@Deleted User nigger
Taxi is taking ages to pick up my fren.
>hedonism in the chat
Only had one wine so far tonight.
das aight
This is what I'm talking about though
@Hambone1453 What's going on, boy?
I honestly can't be be fucked waiting in line for a wine. lol
Stone him
Reminder that anyone who rationalizes dick tingles is a weak animal of a man
Cultural Christians are cancerous
Don't give into temptations
Have fun being enslaved by fucking cumming lmao
MUH Dick ruins marriages
God clearly states "Do not have sex before marriage"
How can people mix this up with "Welll...... SOME is okay....."
"Listen Big Guy, Creator of The Universe, Savior of Mankind, I know I'm not supposed to do this and all, but um, I want to cum, so sorry God"
I think he's also referring to when you're married
Well if you're married (and it's with your wife obviously) go right ahead