Message from @druiz

Discord ID: 582224847174893578

2019-04-26 08:09:37 UTC  

the Polish do the same but unironically

2019-04-26 08:10:32 UTC  

for every major figure in history there is some half baked story about how they have at least a Polish Grandma or some shit

2019-04-26 08:10:43 UTC  

The lore of Spain's call of Takeshi's Castle (Humor Amarillo) is fucking deep. 馃槀

2019-04-26 08:11:25 UTC  

I haven't watched it in like 10 years and I still remember 5-10 made-up characters.

2019-04-26 08:14:04 UTC  

The main character was the "Chino Cudeiro" (Chinese Cudeiro), I know, hot start, already with racist shit since the show was Japanese. A man that is actually the son of some kind of fantasy Galician gigolo (that's why the surname is Cudeiro) that started a rather big family and a whole lot of them participated in the show at different points. They're all rather reckless and all "die" during the show to some quite funny obituaries.

2019-04-26 08:17:00 UTC  

"Today we have a pair of brother and sister from the Cudeiro family, let's see how the sister does!"
[eats shit]
[Sister Cudeiro, her brother will miss her dearly]
[a couple of participants later] "And now we have the brother of the recently deceased girl, we hope the fate of his loved one doesn't affect him"
[also eats shit]
[Brother Cudeiro, he doesn't miss her much anymore]

2019-04-26 08:17:05 UTC  

馃槀 馃槀 馃槀

2019-04-29 21:33:09 UTC  

I very rarely play online but when I do...

2019-04-29 21:33:26 UTC  

I'm on the RUF CTR3 drag car, other dude was on the chopper.

2019-05-01 19:19:51 UTC  

Why the fuck am I playing a clicker game in 2019?

2019-05-18 06:05:26 UTC

2019-05-18 09:45:30 UTC  


2019-05-19 19:36:52 UTC  
2019-05-21 11:15:33 UTC  

**Descenders** update - I've unlocked most shit in like 12h.
+ I've unlocked all 9 main levels
+ I've completed Highlands-to-Peaks, Highlands-to-Volcano and Desert-to-Glacier runs

Only shit I haven't done:
- Completed all bonus levels (I'm on keyboard because the game hates my Nacon controller so a couple of them are almost impossible)
- Unlocked every piece of gear (that can take A LOT of time since it's random but at least you never get duplicates)

2019-05-21 11:28:45 UTC  

anyone else who plays xcom 2 here?

2019-05-21 20:44:03 UTC  

While I own all first 6 ToCA/Race Driver games, I gotta admit I'm not excited for this one.
Codemasters hasn't released an actual banger of a racing videogame in many years. All their recent efforts have lacked content or have had rather big unavoidable flaws.

2019-05-21 20:46:58 UTC  

The trailer seems to show us they have the following racing features:
路 GTE/GTLM, GT4, classic supertouring (early-mid90s) plus TCR and classic muscle cars (those have only appeared in screenshots)
路 Day-night transitions
路 Plenty of damage

2019-05-22 15:52:06 UTC  


2019-05-26 15:12:45 UTC  

Allow me to jump off a cliff.

2019-05-26 15:13:16 UTC  

which game? @druiz

2019-05-26 15:13:40 UTC  

An independent sports game.

2019-05-26 15:14:10 UTC  

It already has women (that don't affect the physical capabilities, it's just a different body and voice) and way too many weed references.

2019-05-26 15:15:16 UTC  

Weed references:
路 There's a clothing company called Rasta.
路 There's another one with a name that includes the number 42.
路 And another one that puts "420%" in some places.

2019-05-27 14:33:54 UTC  

First thing she does after joining in. Change things to accommodate me.

2019-05-27 14:53:52 UTC  

So one of those "virtual youtubers" has played that one game from early on... except it got a PIRATED version.

2019-05-27 14:54:15 UTC  

If your in-game name in Descenders is "Descender" it's proof you don't actually own the game and are playing some pirated crap.

2019-06-05 22:09:07 UTC  

Me playing Rocket League (exaggerated car polo), 2v2 ranked (I like the post-season rewards, some look nice)
路 We start losing 0-2 after like a minute
路 We slowly make our way back, 2-2 with like 35 seconds remaining. 1 of our goals was a confusing own goal, accidental stuff.

2019-06-05 22:09:39 UTC  

Rocket League has like 2 rules overall:
路 Timer only starts after any player hits the ball during the kickoff
路 Once the timer hits 0:00, the game will end with either a goal or the ball touching the ground.

2019-06-05 22:12:35 UTC  

Back to the game I was playing:
路 Timer hits 0:00 with the ball on the opposing backwall, we couldn't make a good play so I was mentally ready for overtime
路 Opponent A hits the ball with its roof, ball goes into the air allowing the match to not end yet
路 Opponent B somehow hits the ball, misses the backwall by a mile, scores and match ends
路 All this while my teammate and I were doing some rather half-assed pressure, both of us probably had accepted overtime

2019-06-05 22:13:52 UTC  

The opposing pair had TWO very easy chances of letting the game go into overtime but they managed to keep the game alive and scored on themselves. I burst out laughing like a maniac.

2019-06-10 18:38:13 UTC  

The only Youtube account on Twitter to not be affected by the Pride bullshit? Yeah, you guessed it!

2019-06-10 19:02:14 UTC  

isnt youtube gaming dead anyways?

2019-06-10 19:04:56 UTC  

it is

2019-06-10 19:05:17 UTC  

the twitter account is now just your standard heres video game news

2019-06-10 19:15:55 UTC  

The whole idea of Youtube Gaming was a big mistake since there is NO NEED to split Youtube.

2019-06-10 19:16:12 UTC  

BTW, I might buy a FIFA game for the first time in TWELVE games.

2019-06-10 19:16:40 UTC  

FIFA 20 includes a 5-a-side mode and I gotta admit I'm quite the fan of futsal (the professional version of that type of soccer).

2019-06-10 19:39:51 UTC  

giving EA money kek

2019-06-10 19:40:21 UTC  

if they actually do that that may be fun tbh

2019-06-10 19:41:44 UTC  

last FIFA game I enjoyed was FIFA street which was kinda cringe but it was the closest thing to futsal at the time

2019-06-10 19:45:53 UTC  

It has been announced and it is 100% confirmed it will have some Street-esque mode.