Message from @InsaneCaterpilla
Discord ID: 560807299728277525
"Men cannot be trusted to take a daily pill which prevents women from having children."
"It gives more agency to men in reproduction (and conveniently destroys a whole bunch of edgy mra arguments). People having more choice is always good thing, but women should still take their own precautions because ultimately men can still conveniently walk away sans consequence."
Whoa, I can walk away with no consequences?!?!?
Damn, like... We no longer have to fight for male abortion legal stuff
We can just walk away
Fights over guys, time to go home... 😂
@Katorie Numinous Apparently the existence of the male pill is annoying some people who think reproduction should be entirely down to the woman.
My cat is good at purring
I try to wake up around now for work. He starts meowing at me by abouy 5:30 - 6am (it's 6:49)
Usually he will get me when I wake up to go to the bathroom around 5 and start fhen
Meowing as I try to fall back asleep
Usually I will open the door from my bedroom and he runs in to the kitchen, expecting me to follow and feed him, but I just lay back in bed and shut the door behind him. He always has dry food and water.
So he will continue his audio assualy on my ears "meow meow" lowldy until I fully wake and feed him his morning can of wet food.
How do you folk handle crushes
We aren't a collective entity
Tell them though
🤔 Yeah it was a question directed at people who have experienced it
How are you though, Caterpilla?
Hope all is well.
Are you gonna tell them then?
I guess they're not available?
Hi there @Pro Male Revolutionary, welcome
Find us through Reddit mate?
Hello from me too! @Pro Male Revolutionary
No somebody invited me.
Ah ok
Well feel free to look around and join/start any discussions :3
God I'm not sure I missed Reddit
Feminist: Why don't men/people like Feminism?
Me: *lists reasons*
Clearly they didn't actually want the answer
Apparently not.
Anything that doesn't fit into their worldview= mansplaining or misogyny, probably both
It's hilarious considering they literally said "they just think feminsits are bitter man haters"
most of the time it feels like feminists are just a huge collection of assholes that for some reason society thinks has the moral high ground
I can see why people wouldn't want to get their cats fixed, but stories like this make me feel like there needs to be population control.
A lot of pets end up getting put down because people don't.. cats aren't like dogs who are always on a leash or in a house, they get up to stuff you don't know about