Message from @Uberduperdrew

Discord ID: 576472607361073154

2019-05-10 10:04:35 UTC  

This was months ago though

2019-05-10 10:06:49 UTC  

@Locke No offence taken. I don't read their sub but I assume it's pretty bad. Could go as toxic as radfem if left as long

2019-05-10 10:07:23 UTC  

I will admit there is a thing I find hilarious though

2019-05-10 10:07:35 UTC  

I love it when the feminists eat each other up over trans people

2019-05-10 10:07:51 UTC  

Gender Critical/TERFs vs the intersectional ones is always fun to watch

2019-05-10 10:37:32 UTC  

Oh yes. There was a riot over it last year. Lol. Meanwhile most actual trans people just want to not be bothered by either group. XD

2019-05-10 10:38:55 UTC  

Radfems are really crazy. Antifa is probably as bad or worse.

2019-05-10 10:39:40 UTC  

Very ironic that our generation's fascists are the anti-fascists. XD

2019-05-10 12:53:44 UTC  

infighting on their end is inevitable, since they're going in with malicious and selfish intentions to begin with. when it would be time to step down and let another take control or get the attention for the good of the group, they cant do it

2019-05-10 14:34:54 UTC  

Looks like all the deep conversations happen when im asleep

2019-05-10 15:32:12 UTC  

To be fair, cats are always asleep. lol

2019-05-10 15:57:52 UTC  

So how are you doing today @Uberduperdrew ?

2019-05-10 16:14:44 UTC  

Cats sleep a lot.

2019-05-10 16:16:34 UTC  

I have deep conversations in my sleep

2019-05-10 17:18:52 UTC  

Really? What about? I mostly have dreams that scare the crap out of my partner. XD I'm guessing because it was a dream you talked about weird dream politics or something?

2019-05-10 17:20:18 UTC  

Yep, essentially. It’s not every night but occasionally, I’ll have conversations about morality, principles, etc. with my friends or family who appear in the dream.

2019-05-10 17:22:33 UTC  

I'm doing well men are human thanks. What about you?

2019-05-10 17:41:06 UTC  

Doing alright, except my laptop is dying. Lol

2019-05-10 18:13:27 UTC  


2019-05-10 18:13:40 UTC  

How was the flight? @Uberduperdrew?

2019-05-10 18:16:19 UTC  

It was fine. A little crammed on the second leg of it due to it being a smaller / older regional plane but I survived.

2019-05-10 18:16:49 UTC  

I'm going to see if I can upgrade that portion to first class for the return trip.

2019-05-10 18:22:26 UTC  

Ah, crap legroom is nasty. Is it a holiday or business?

2019-05-10 18:27:25 UTC  

First class would be awesome.

2019-05-11 00:15:42 UTC  

2019-05-11 00:16:42 UTC  

2019-05-11 00:22:07 UTC  

2019-05-11 00:36:57 UTC  


2019-05-11 00:37:11 UTC  

Yeah I wish I had just bought first class form he start

2019-05-11 00:37:23 UTC  

Would have been worth the extra $500 out of pocket

2019-05-11 00:38:00 UTC  

I mean, those seats aren't comfortable for anyone bigger than a small child or petite person

2019-05-11 00:38:17 UTC  

Even when I was at my peak fitness level flying still sucked

2019-05-11 00:38:18 UTC  

Business is still better than coach.

2019-05-11 00:38:40 UTC  

I meant I'm flying for business. I'm flying in the coach / economy class.

2019-05-11 00:38:48 UTC  

Flying can be fun but you do get the occasional bad flight.

2019-05-11 00:39:11 UTC  

Flying for several hours in a row sucks

2019-05-11 00:39:25 UTC  

Yeah, long flights can be trrroble.

2019-05-11 00:39:29 UTC  


2019-05-11 00:42:05 UTC  

2019-05-11 00:45:54 UTC  

Funny... make a comment, watch it go straight to +10... then over the next day see the comments get brigaded by TwoX and Co... now -1...

2019-05-11 01:17:53 UTC  

I'm sorry you got bregaded SirPoopsie