Message from @Royce
Discord ID: 586512964161503252
so she replied its because of people like you that women are unsafe in today's world \
and i was totally trigered by this WHO THE FUCK GAVE HER THE RIGHT TO JUDGE ME STUFF
@Royce I saw that. She's clearly very entitled.
And clearly doesn't care that men are like 80-90% of all murder victims....
I'm sorry you had to deal with that idiot. I hope she gets educated.
i hope too
Honestly, I don't have high hopes. It's hard to convince a person they are doing wrong when they are literally getting free metro rides to be wrong.
But I do hope.
men are financially poor too
how to tell these bastards
and on top of that
check this out
damn she deleted the tweet
she basically tweeted that i was harrasing her
so i replied
that i have all screenshots of whom harrasing and judging whom
It's a shame you got attacked like that @Royce but I'm sure that she's going to have a really hard time from anyone else who sees those tweets and goes after her.
read 2 other my life incidents that made me what i am today at <#515246258571575297>
That's pretty harsh stuff. It's a shame you hate women now. I find 90% of them to be really nice. It's that 10% that giv the others a bad name. It's the same with men.
i have got no shame talking about this stuff
Well I'm sorry you feel that way. Maybe you just need to go out and meet some who are nicer?
There aren't many groups where 100% of everyone there is awful.
I would like to think I am not all that awful, lol.
Just... kind of absent a lot of the time these days
@Deleted User Hello!
i am a newbie here
@Abbysol I'd like to think you're not evil too. XD
So how have you been? Fixed your power issues yet?
Got some kangaroos in a treadmill I take it? Lol
Working on it, currently on the road, just picked up a new flail mower and a demountable site shed
I wouldve assumed emus on a treadmill rather than kangaroos. They run, whereas kangaroos hop
and emus can run pretty quick
Oh? On the road? Still on batteries then?
@Aeon Zealot Fair point, lol
Yeah, but we did get a new generator so things a little smoother now
Also welcome to all the new people I haven’t welcomed yet!