Message from @Shiv69
Discord ID: 586682604602916894
Hey @Shiv69, welcome to the discord
Ty @InsaneCaterpilla 🙂
How are ya doing? Did ya come from Reddit?
I'm doing good,hbu
I'm watching the outer limits rn. Been a long time since I've seen them
Outer limits? is it about aliens and ET?
Eh, some of it. People compare it to the twilight zone, but I don't like the style of that.
If you don't know the twilight zone, then perhaps an older Black Mirror
How do you like the show so far?
I've seen it before, and I do like it. As I am more aware of Mens Rights than I was when I saw it, a couple of episodes will irk me more than they would have, but I enjoy the concepts and philosophy of the show
Have you watched the red pill documentary about men's rights
Of course
Speaking of which I have a fb post to share
The comment section reeks of feminazi hypocrisy though
Of course it will. Even male children are seen as more disposable than women. Statutory rape victims are still liable for child support, that would be a clue
True that and only 16 % of boys raped by female perpetrators consider it a rape
Still these feminazis feel that men have all the fuckin rights
Power is a tough thing to lose, and cowtowing to the best interests of women- even at the expense of themselves- is a trademark of being a man, both socially and biologically. Feminists will fight tooth and nail to.maintain their power, with anger and votirol that goes against common sense, and still find support.
And when you ask them 'what right do men have that women don't'
They reply with 'who hurt you 'toxic misogynist'blah blah 😁
That reply is ridiculous and hypocriticial. Perhaps women's shelters should be made open to men because their fear of men for a man hurting them is irrational and something to be made fun of.
And that's nothing to say of that if you have a problem with the narrative, you must be *damaged* in some way.
For real though what are they paranoid about,men should be the ones to feel that way given how much these false rape accusations are sky rocketing
Lack of punishment for false accusations is a problem, but I don't think it's the defining point of the movement. It's just a symptom of the culture that treats women better than men, and not at all the most egregious one
I think a lot of people forget that the reason women evolved to feel afraid and have their feelings justified is because they were able to. Men weren't able to do such things, they had to put up and shut up, to get it done, for their family and their children
its just one issue of many, that happens to be on the more serious side
@Shiv69 shit like this is why I've cut women out of my life lmao. I may not be able to change society but I can at least remove the fembots from my personal circle.
Hello @Fazz !
How are you doing?
@BeelzeBeetle You honestly don't have to do that. Personally I think there are way more nice women than awful ones. You just have to be careful in dating.
Hi ! Great thanks @Men Are Human
How about you ?
Was lurking on Reddit and stumbled upon you, glad i found this discord ^^
I'm doing good! Out at a bar right now. :)
Oh Nice !
Up to anything good yourself? :)
Well, studying for my university exams, next one in 2 days ^^