Message from @Men Are Human
Discord ID: 586943990109044741
Thanks a lot !
So what subject are they?
Medical school
Oh nice. You're going to do well if you can pass. :)
Next one is psychology and ethics and such
Yeah, i really hope i will ^^
Thanks a lot ^^
Psychology to help with patients?
Yeah, basically what to do and how to talk to patients, and how to know what kind of decision to make and such
That sounds like a smart move.
Haha, well you have to know what you say and how to say it when you diagnose a cancer or Someone is on the brink of dying and you dont know if you tell them to follow the law or you lie to them to not make then panic and waste the rest of their life. Its a on case by case scénario
So anyway, Keep up the good work 👍 would love to see the document with all the law cases when its done !
welcome @Fazz
Hi ^^
Somehow my cat can make it sound like he is banging on the door.
@Men Are Human I'm as queer as a 3 dollar bill so that's not a problem for me lol. As it is, it just seems like the large majority of women are more trouble than they're worth... at least for myself.
@Fazz lots of legitimate points there. They should probably teach it to all doctors.
@Uberduperdrew that's odd lol
@Men Are Human , yeah, they actually do in my country, i dont know about the US though :/
@Fazz Me neither! What country is it you are in?
Switzerland ^^, and you ?
ah, a country with male only conscription, higher male pension ages, and that rule where men who dont qualify for conscription have to pay 3% higher taxes
Ooooh. Does that include the disabled? @blueorange22
Yep it does
If i recall correctly
And in 6 days there is an national women strike for women rights
And they will invade the university
And just bother everyone like always
Wow. I know that things were dire around there but I never knew how bad. We should make a list of country specific issues to show people.
Yeah, a path to explore
do men ever say anything about all this? or talk to each other about it? it seems crazy that you'd have a women's strike with a situation like that...does anyone note the hypocrisy?
I don't think anyone talks
@blueorange22 if you save that text for the site, we'll make this a page.
but people HAVE to be thinking it, even if they dont say it
I do with my friends, but absolutely no one thinks it's a problem, they are all brainwashed to think women are the discriminated sex in the country
Its just nerveracking seeing everyone with the pins for the streik
And i red the manifesto the put online, they want the same number of doctorates in every faculty, so hello equality of outcomes and goodbye common sense and actual data like the gender equality paradox
Equality of degrees