Message from @mattforney

Discord ID: 558244387503734794

2019-03-20 03:42:30 UTC  

Davis has a channel for music. Does this count?

2019-03-20 14:55:25 UTC  


2019-03-20 16:34:18 UTC  

I just wanted to say Davis stood me up well before he became famous. Claimed he would meet me in Chicago on his motorcycle. I skied for the dates and such, I got ghosted

2019-03-20 16:34:39 UTC  

Wanted to call that on the podcast but my mom needed me to help her with my sick uncle

2019-03-20 16:59:39 UTC  

This happens to me all the time

2019-03-20 16:59:48 UTC  


2019-03-20 17:21:40 UTC  

This is me and my friend Toadused2stinks server for our YouTube channel if anyone wants to join

2019-03-20 20:25:22 UTC  

2019-03-20 23:32:46 UTC  

This is what being kind to wild animals leads to

2019-03-21 03:59:37 UTC  

@mattforney how can you - or anyone else - support this fucking retard?

2019-03-21 04:00:33 UTC  

@Doc Holliday Trump already banned bump stocks, but lets keep pretending that the GOP is any different on the gun issue

2019-03-21 04:01:33 UTC  

let's also pretend that American gunfuckers are actually gonna use their guns as anything other than pacifiers as their rights are slowly stripped away by the tyrannical government they purport to oppose

2019-03-21 09:42:42 UTC  

so I checked out the website of that pagan band Omnia and they're even cringier than I thought:

"He realised at quite an early age that humans are just spoiled, feral mutated-monkeys with delusions of grandeur who are going to destroy the world they live in due to their in-built stupidity and the fact that they are obviously not natural to this world... This inspired him to style himself as a tree hugging, nature loving, recalcitrant neo-pagan, admitting himself to be "just an animal like the birds and the beez" and worshipping the Natural forces of the Earth and the Creative Soul of the Universe instead of the silly self-important notions and religions of mutant-monkeykind (ie: imaginary friends like the ONE God, Money, Royalty, Science etc.)."

2019-03-21 10:57:42 UTC  

is the NRA even contesting the bump stock ban?

2019-03-21 10:58:07 UTC  

probably but the NRA is massively overrated and a joke

2019-03-21 10:58:21 UTC  

there are better gun groups like Gun Owners of America and Iowa Gun Owners

2019-03-21 11:03:28 UTC  

Those groups are not known and have far fewer members

2019-03-21 11:03:53 UTC  

the NRA is shedding donors and support

2019-03-21 11:04:34 UTC  

I might do a show on how gun control is inevitable at this point and all the tough-talking gunfuckers will go along with it

2019-03-21 11:05:38 UTC  

we all know that when gun confiscation starts, the vast majority of gun owners, the Boomers in particular, will piss their pants and hand over their guns when the ATF knocks at their door

2019-03-21 11:05:48 UTC  

yeah the principle guys always lose. Hence the Blormph stock ban was a good move

2019-03-21 11:06:29 UTC  

But z-man was done with Drumpf then. Fuckin boomer idiot

2019-03-21 11:06:40 UTC  

if the Don't Tread on Me gunfuckers were serious about their beliefs they'd already be revolting against the government, there have been dozens of casus bellis in the past ten years alone

2019-03-21 11:07:54 UTC  

if anything I believe minorities (blacks in particular) are more likely to revolt against the government. whites are too docile and prefer to OD on fentanyl

2019-03-21 11:09:00 UTC  

Veal wrapped in cotton, also the Boomers might help the ATF in turning their young fellow gun totters in

2019-03-21 11:09:32 UTC  

Millenials are not 2A buffs

2019-03-21 11:10:51 UTC  

I remain unconvinced that guns are anything more than giant metal pacifiers for Boomer retards with fantasies of being rebellious

2019-03-21 11:11:30 UTC  

Culture war distraction, like abortion

2019-03-21 11:12:18 UTC  

the rebelliousness in the white American genome has been bred out. our forefathers launched armed revolts over whiskey taxes. we can't even lift a finger to peacefully protest the stripping of our rights

2019-03-21 11:13:18 UTC  

they were taxed maybe 10% tops back in the day. now it's more 60%+ if you count them all (sales,payroll,income, etc.)

2019-03-21 11:15:25 UTC  

Thomas Paine wrote something that helped get people going... don't think that Enoch's twitter rants have the same effect

2019-03-21 11:15:58 UTC  

Not the promise of Yang bux either if im being brutally honest

2019-03-21 12:01:33 UTC  

There are people who could revolt, but they generally wind up being agents of the state, broken on foreign soil, and paid off in the form of disability that would be taken away if they broke the law

2019-03-21 13:10:54 UTC  

From a logistical perspective, gun confiscation on any meaningful level would be very nearly impossible in the US. The number of unregistered firearms is massive. The more likely course of action will be making it impossible to get ammo.

2019-03-21 13:13:07 UTC  

@Deleted User exactly I think Chris Rock pointed that out

2019-03-21 13:21:09 UTC  

@Deleted User Really? The comedian?

2019-03-21 13:21:43 UTC  

@Deleted User yeah, he did a bit years ago on how to solve gun violence: allow people to own whatever guns they want but jack up the price of ammo

2019-03-21 13:21:51 UTC