Message from @ian

Discord ID: 558314790066585601

2019-03-21 15:38:27 UTC  

oh okay

2019-03-21 15:38:47 UTC  

I have a regular Romanian caller, Ionescu Anonimescu

2019-03-21 15:38:55 UTC  

chat or streamlabs tips. don't have the voice for podcasts. Yu kan hir may Rashian acsent

2019-03-21 15:39:03 UTC  

I thought you were confusing the two

2019-03-21 15:39:48 UTC  

@mattforney gotcha.

2019-03-21 15:40:02 UTC  

I used to think they were the same person (since it seemed unlikely that an obscure show like mine would have TWO Romanian chatters) until I saw them both posting in the chat of one stream

2019-03-21 15:40:14 UTC  


2019-03-21 15:40:32 UTC  

What if we have two separate youtube accounts and post from different browsers? ๐Ÿ˜

2019-03-21 15:40:41 UTC  

mind blown

2019-03-21 15:40:49 UTC  

I don't mind Eastern European accents

2019-03-21 15:41:06 UTC  

on women, anyway

2019-03-21 15:41:17 UTC  
2019-03-21 15:41:22 UTC  

Hungarian women drive me nuts with the way they talk

2019-03-21 15:41:49 UTC  

it's like I'm sleeping with a vampire

2019-03-21 15:42:16 UTC  

@mattforney Bulgarian women are like that too Iโ€™ve seen

2019-03-21 15:42:41 UTC  

Bulgarians are the niggers of Eastern Europe tho

2019-03-21 15:42:46 UTC  

Romanians are the Mexicans

2019-03-21 15:43:08 UTC  

I agree with Matt

2019-03-21 15:43:09 UTC  


2019-03-21 15:43:32 UTC  

Mandatory Vlad Posting

2019-03-21 15:43:38 UTC  

What are the Serbs and Albanians tho?

2019-03-21 15:43:45 UTC  

@mattforney I can agree to that. Maybe thatโ€™s why I like them

2019-03-21 15:44:00 UTC  

the Albanians are the imported Somalis

2019-03-21 15:44:11 UTC  

@ian serbs are the Koreans Iโ€™m starting to realize

2019-03-21 15:44:20 UTC  

the Serbs are the Jamaicans

2019-03-21 15:44:24 UTC  

Albanians are weird. They say they're muslim but eat pork, drink and never been inside a Mosque

2019-03-21 15:45:03 UTC  

@Waffle Evil Yeah and their national hero was basically Muslim for like 18 years then fucked off and killed a bunch of them

2019-03-21 15:46:54 UTC  

Like Yugoslavia with Tito, Hoxha was the only thing holding Albania together.

2019-03-21 15:47:03 UTC  

@ian bingo

2019-03-21 15:47:31 UTC  

@ian I would say that for Metaxas and Greece actually

2019-03-21 15:47:57 UTC  

Hoxha was by far the worst, he even put concrete slabs on the beach so that Albanians couldn't escape by swimming to Greece or Italy ๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-03-21 15:48:46 UTC  

@Waffle Evil oh totally Hohxa was insane but also fascinating. Communist dictators are people I find interesting since theyre so alien to me

2019-03-21 15:49:40 UTC  

The Death of Stalin is the most recent and accurate movie depicting dictators and people from the communist deep state.

2019-03-21 15:50:40 UTC  

Greeks, Albanians, and that whole rest of them are basically Turkic subethnicities at this point.

2019-03-21 15:51:44 UTC  

@ian agreed. Though you. Could say Serbs, Croats and Bosnians are slightly saved since they were occupied by Austria-Hungary for a while

2019-03-21 15:52:13 UTC  

Croats especially since they were occupied by Austria for the longest time

2019-03-21 15:52:18 UTC  

Croats yes. Serbs fuck no

2019-03-21 15:52:25 UTC  

Bosniaks also fuck no

2019-03-21 15:52:38 UTC  

Hope the EU eventually swallows up all of the Balkans and trigger their secret ability: The Death of Empires ๐Ÿ˜„

2019-03-21 15:53:07 UTC  

@mattforney Oh yeah Bosnians are dominantly Muslim keep forgetting that

2019-03-21 15:53:18 UTC  

Bosnia is a fake country, about 45 percent Bosniak (Croat Muslims with a bogus identity), 35 percent Serb, and the rest Croat