Message from @YungJacobson
Discord ID: 600426210618638397
@mattforney : Your stream is offline
his internet is probably offline
online again
fug 😄
@The Dashing Rogue shill in <#442308400676732938> plz
@mattforney You got it
Hey 👋 @mattforney I’m not going to spread pics of Mama JF vandalizing, but it’s not hard to find with a google search
as for the nude bicycling, someone in your chat said she’s a nudist in general
I found it
it looks like the World Naked Bike Ride
(It's a guy with the same name, but I wonder how many people won't bother to look into it)
look who's back
congratulations, Goad, you exploited a woman's rape to try and win an online argument, you cringe boomer
this is why I love Nick
Hi-Point Power Intensifies
did the killstream happen yet?
it's next week after Nick gets back from his vacation
Oh sweet
Oof eddy Arnold is rolling in his grave
@everyone I just discovered recently that my Medium account has been removed from Google's search results. Keep in mind that the only two articles I have posted there were reposts of my articles on Ann Sterzinger and Jim Goad. Interesting...
actually wait, my entire Medium account has been removed. I can still see it when logged in, but no one else can
Looks like they're trying to erase stories that go against theirs. Or do you think it's more of a personal attack? These two people sound like total whackadoos
Goad tried to get me banned from YouTube last year
he filed a ton of false strikes
at one point my Google account was banned entirely but I got it restored
Wow. So the recent comments you made about Ann fanned the flames and got him (them?) started on their old tricks again? Deplatforming is a pretty dick move