Message from @Phorusrhacidae
Discord ID: 622192211198476298
@crispr I have one already
the <#442296168794554368> here updates whenever I post something there
ah cool, yeah I just wish youtube streaming wasn't so shitty on mobile
Anybody that had half a wit left it a couple years ago. It's the hopeless clingers and nazi larping faggots who continue to give energy to it. For all intent and purpose the Alt Right is dead. I say good riddance to bad rubbish.
I must however admit that I enjoy being proven correct over and over again. This periodic drama is entertaining. It's like watching two down syndrome kids beating the hell out of each other with baseball bats. It's so wrong, but it's still funny as hell to watch.
i remember being called a "kike shill" back in 2015 by retards on /pol when i pointed out that Trump is going to cuck out on all of his campaign promises like every other president. I knew the Alt Right was a waste of time from then on, I just pity those whose lives were ruined by getting involved, and laugh at whoever is stupid enough to still be involved.
@everyone the new daily braap DISCORD OUR OLD ONE GOT SABOTOGED BY NAZIS who started posting lewd things JOIN NOW
I'll let this slide Joe but please don't @ everyone in the future
thanks brother
was copy pasting
figured u had it turned off
talk soon matt
gotta bed down'
Turns out, Talcum X is a grifter. Shocking
TRS is now resorting to the same fraudulent tactics used by Internet marketing scammers to keep their subscribers from canceling.
Of course they are. Nothing but a bunch of shifty cunts that lot.
Full disclosure: earlier this week, Michael Edison Hayden DMed Terror House on Twitter asking about the TRS story. We didn't respond because we don't talk to the enemy, unlike TRS buddies like Hunter Wallace or Matt Parrott who are friends with Morris Dees and/or have the SPLC on speeddial.
I'm revealing this now because Alex McNabb, Eric Striker, and the rest of the fednat crew are trying to accuse me, Anglin, weev etc. of working with the SPLC. Meanwhile, stalwart TRS defender Hunter Wallace used to pal around with Morris Dees. Additionally, Matt Parrott, former second-in-command of TradWorker and good pal of Striker, talks to the SPLC regularly. They were the first people he called after the cuckbox incident occurred. Weird coincidences there...
What absolutely kills me is most folks don't see what this is. You get assailed for pointing out sketch shite. I still believe this thing will go on. If Mike Peinovich being exposed to have married a Jew and that didn't put them down I don't believe anything will.
Trs operates like a cult. They want their listeners to only listen to them and no one else. If you are a listener and you question anything they say, they’ll simply ignore you or call you “low iq.”
Keep on exposing the TRS rats.
too bad bloodsports is dead and Anglin is unpersoned, this drama could have made for an epic debate
They could still do it on the Killstream or whatever but Enoch is a coward
@mattforney slava ukraini
slava slava
Gone offline
@everyone My phone died because it wasn't plugged in: the connection was loose. I can't stream again until it charges up so we'll take this stream from the top at 5:30 PM Eastern/4:30 PM Central/2:30 PM Pacific.
the surge strip where I plugged the phone in isn't great, a millimeter off and it disconnects
@mattforney You just going to be talking about the Jayoh stuff still, or are you planning on taking a look at how cult like their followers are in dismissing all of this?
@Hazzard that's part of it, I wanted to go through the SPLC connections first
if you want to hop on when I get back online you're welcome to
Yeah, I'd be down for that.
my WiFi is too slow to stream, it's dropping frames in OBS like crazy
i've been testing the new OBS release candidate they finally put in automatic bitrate adjustment
if it drops frames it will reduce the bitrate until it stops