Message from @Zenmaster

Discord ID: 565226472030076959

2019-04-09 16:24:32 UTC  

those that control the media are the narrative script writers

2019-04-09 16:35:36 UTC  

The word is they’re not “there”, and it is not a UK issue it is a city of London issue, which is not part of nor ever has been part of the UK, it was established in 43 AD by the filthy romans and still sits as a seat of power for them. Furthermore I am from the only country that had and has the balls to fight them and remove them. Did they come back? Yes. How? Because ignorance is now rampant everywhere. I was part of the team that removed the United States federal corporation's special drawing rights from the IMF in 2013, by indicting all of congress, and I have taught people all around the world how to get out from under the boot of the filthy ones. I have had several of my mentors get killed over what they taught others. And to be VERY CLEAR it is not just a UK issue… but those fuckers are based out of the UK, before that they were in the Netherlands, before that, in Vienna, before that in Venice, before that in Rome, before that in Phoenicia Cana, before that in Babylon, and before that in Egypt. You have no idea how far back this fight goes and I do not have the time nor the energy to explain it to someone who thinks that they should rely on Potus or Q to save them, how do you think they got there? Years of work in the law and in back channels of military personal in America that has culminated into what you are now seeing. Furthermore we know exactly who these people are. I could name all the families and all the blood lines and all the secret societies and, if you wanted to get into it, all the other evil forces that want nothing more than to see the entire human race fail. Never submit, never beg for permission, never give them any power and above all know who you are. “None are more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe that they are free.” Live free or die.

2019-04-09 16:37:30 UTC

2019-04-09 16:39:00 UTC

2019-04-09 16:41:04 UTC  

well i keep telling those in here they need a revolution

2019-04-09 16:41:25 UTC  

but this time, get the military on ur side first

2019-04-09 16:52:43 UTC  

@Zenmaster Everyone starts somewhere with their knowledge and any good links you can share would be great.

2019-04-09 16:52:46 UTC  

Explain your lifestyle @Zenmaster so we see how free you are as an example ... and also tell us more on the city of London i don’t know to much on it so share your knowledge .. if you know all you claim then yep please do share bloodlines etc for all to see because all are at different stages .. and i can assure if you where in U.K. you would not be trying to hang Rothschilds etc lol the majority of the population here don’t know who the fuck Rothschild even are 🤣 .. beyond our military’s Potus or Q that to me is our only option yep correct .. so explain why you don’t have the energy? You clearly know we have a EU army in play with migrant soldiers ready to kill on sight .. and as for you thinking your all mighty 5G will fry your gun lol so carry on with your bullshit .. incase you have not noticed France is in chaos and what’s changed ?

2019-04-09 17:04:16 UTC

2019-04-09 17:07:18 UTC  

I’m a bit uneducated compared to @Zenmaster .. @SirW00f but think he’s saying U.K. own use without firing a bullet 😂 .. our perfect little city of London 👁

2019-04-09 17:07:53 UTC  

i don't own any guns

2019-04-09 17:07:59 UTC  

but i got plenty of shells

2019-04-09 17:08:18 UTC  

and knowhow to make a temp gun if needed to fire them shells

2019-04-09 17:08:52 UTC  

when u don't need a permit to buy the shells/bullets ...they can't track u

2019-04-09 17:10:05 UTC  

also when u know how to convert one of those shells into a warhead for a model rocket engine to make ur own handheld missile launcher

2019-04-09 17:11:05 UTC  

collecting scientific college books for yrs before dept of ed got formed

2019-04-09 17:26:24 UTC  

it's not about attacking them... it is about lawful self-defense and it always will be. It is also about never giving them any of your energy or your consent… all the consent these days given to all corporate governments comes in the form of contacts with the corporate state, or in UK’s case, with the corporation known as the Crown. Now what is the first contract that puts you under the bus before you even know what a contract is? The birth certificate contact that your mother signed at the “foundling” hospital. And who runs the “foundling” hospitals? The knights hospitalars. Who “find” lost or abandoned children… I have all of this layed out in docs and I do not have the time to tap it all out here so just read these if you want to know some of what I know.

2019-04-09 17:26:40 UTC

2019-04-09 17:27:22 UTC

2019-04-09 17:28:08 UTC

2019-04-09 17:28:12 UTC

2019-04-09 17:37:06 UTC  

Your estate is being "charged" with commercial crimes and you walk into the court as a trustee of that estate and therefor accept those charges without knowing what you are doing... walk in to any court and say, when asked to give your name, "your honor I (first middle name) come before this court as having been found to be living and as the sole lawful heir and sole lawfully appointed absolute general instituted rightful executor of the res defendant estate... then watch that fucking priest of El run for his back door to take his (or her) name off of that case... You see all “they” are doing is administering abandoned estate property in case the true heir shows up to claim it. Look into the court of wards and liveries in England… there was a time where these fuckers sold wardships between each other.. which is where you get the term Attorney one who attorns or takes from one and gives to another.

2019-04-09 17:37:09 UTC  

Yes we know the birth certificate lol what else you got ? @Zenmaster that’s the beginning of life for us when we become there property .. still please explain how you are free

2019-04-09 17:39:38 UTC  

Thanks @Zenmaster

2019-04-09 17:39:55 UTC  

because when you put proper claim on the public record... the county recorder’s office, of your estate and then serve the corporate state (your guardian) with that claim the presumption that you are under that control is evaporated. I have ended many cases ex-parte by just having my students file my status docs onto the court case.

2019-04-09 17:41:05 UTC  

There are over 30 presumptions against you every time you talk to a land pirate or walk into a court. ANY COURT!

2019-04-09 17:41:44 UTC  

So you are legally free ? @Zenmaster

2019-04-09 17:42:31 UTC  

LAWFULY and "legally"

2019-04-09 17:43:21 UTC  

What do you teach ? @Zenmaster

2019-04-09 17:43:51 UTC

2019-04-09 17:44:44 UTC  

how to settle your gross estate and claim your birth right... which is what no one is doing because then never know they have to.

2019-04-09 17:47:42 UTC  

All birth certificates are on bond paper... any idea why that is? it is a warehouse receipt... Why do you think Q told all of you that this all ends at #55? Do you know what he was talking about? Look up what is at #55 water street New York New York and then learn what they store there... and how it got there and who runs that company and why the building is called the "Tower of Power" right over the top of the door that you walk into.

2019-04-09 17:49:56 UTC  

👍 so did you get any push back when you submitted this or is this an example you added your name to ? Because this is rare for people to do @Zenmaster

2019-04-09 17:57:23 UTC  

its not a rare as you may think there are several bills up in congress now that show that they know what is coming and they are desperate to stay in front if it. The end of the IRS (which is a corporation out of Porto Ricco) the end of the gift and estate taxes (the tax that they hit you with for using your own property that they consider to be “lost at see”) and the return of the gold standard and the end of the federal reserve system. All of this is because we for years now have been doing this more and more in the states. Nothing is going to stop what is coming but I am seeing it from another angle than most can because I have been at the ground floor of this for 25 years.

2019-04-09 17:58:31 UTC

2019-04-09 17:58:38 UTC

2019-04-09 18:01:10 UTC  

and no all this work is my work.

2019-04-09 18:01:52 UTC  

I am not like other people who use others work and claim it to be thier work. If I get something from another I tell others where I got it from.

2019-04-09 18:01:52 UTC  

Cool 👌 so how does this effect you with government services .. health care services etc ? What goes on with that side of it ? Like renting houses etc must be hard without government passports driving licences etc or do you own them ?