Message from @Steve Angell

Discord ID: 568568831002279937

2019-04-18 09:36:01 UTC  

gee, u saw the changing of the tides in 'pink floyd - the wall' but u didn't see this?

2019-04-18 11:18:16 UTC  

This interview is just from February .. sounds like this man turned his life around a long time ago .. and his enemy’s were charities and media .. actually a bit of a anti crime preacher .. a shooting to the head in Edinburgh is not common i think he was exposing charity’s for what they are .. time will tell if anyone is arrested and there is a case .. but looks like professional killer here if his story on life is true as he says which i see no reason why it wouldn’t be if he walked away from money

2019-04-18 18:24:39 UTC  

Hmm media upload that then instant he gets shot dead ? So now it seems like a mad Rangers football fan

2019-04-18 22:15:51 UTC  

@Riggy17 (UK) Very biased article. Seemed they were all about defending FB who removed free speech.

2019-04-18 22:26:49 UTC  

No free speech here for years mate lol we are at the thought police stage .. where you get arrested if police think you are thinking of something 😂 @Steve Angell but a bunch of total fuck ups are having a climate change party in London .. tomorrow they are about to try block Heathrow airport .. and it’s lefty’s so they will get a free pass 😂 .. poor Londoners hard life there 😂

2019-04-18 22:31:13 UTC  

We only think we have free speech in America. Facebook is removing it along with all the others. We have dual justice and no real free speech.

2019-04-18 22:32:04 UTC  

You lose your job here instead of being arrested. But jobs are necessary.

2019-04-18 22:32:54 UTC  

Since they can't arrest us often they kill us instead.

2019-04-18 22:34:27 UTC  

U.K. is maybe way to switch job laws to hide criminal convictions on job applications if you only have one minor crime .. example “thinking”

2019-04-18 22:35:08 UTC  

Herbal doctors are very prone to have strange deaths. If you make a movie your life is in danger if they don't like it.

2019-04-18 22:41:20 UTC  

Sure that’s why that death i put up earlier is strange this guy fair enough he has a mad rage on livestream but seriously if people believe that’s been a football fan travelled city to shoot him is crazy to instantly believe that .. I’m not saying it definitely wasn’t he’s well known in criminal world but not sure he was involved .. I need to go over his interview again I’m sure he sayd charities and media he was having issues with .. but media have been quiet on it and have only sayd good things .. and google seems clean of his name accept the death

2019-04-18 22:43:48 UTC  

Dustin had a good video with a bio nutritionist did you catch that one ? @Steve Angell sounds like she had a hard time .. but yep most get killed way to much of a threat to big pharma .. that’s why schools don’t teach real nutrition, life skills etc .. just useless nonsense

2019-04-18 22:45:14 UTC  

Yes I have to question stem cells. Seems so many are selling them with little resistance. I have to wonder who is profiting from them. Big Pharma most likely. Most likely they are not at all what we are told.

2019-04-18 22:47:48 UTC  

It was like in Canada a person came up with a combination of herbs that cured cancer. Big Pharma made numerous different pills with the same name. Now no one knows what the original ones were. It died with the doctor because the doctor was not allowed to profit from it.

2019-04-18 22:49:32 UTC  

Although I think Dustin sells C60 and has had a hard time getting real C60.

2019-04-18 22:54:35 UTC  

Yeh big difference in someone selling supplements and someone curing cancer etc they die fast or are silenced should be so easy in life to get natural cures instead of next to impossible lol .. on one hand we are seeing rockets off to space .. the picture of the black hole millions of trillions of miles away ... but still on health .. we cannot cure a light cold virus if we go to a doctor ? When the fuck do the doctors wake up to it all who are not in on it

2019-04-18 23:01:03 UTC  

I guess you know that black hole is an artist rendition of what they think they saw. It is not a real picture of it. They used different antennas from many places on earth and put it all together. A difficult process. Is it factual. I simply do know how we can know for sure. I detest how over and over they make out like their artist renditions are pictures.

2019-04-18 23:16:16 UTC  

Hahaa lol not looked much at space mate @Steve Angell the sound of seeing something millions of trillions of miles away kinda put me off caring 😂 sounded a bit extreme instantly and something i am unlikely to ever see myself so i couldn’t believe it or look into it .. but you get my point lol ? Scientists do get upto a lot of good stuff but doctors are stuck at the very basics with scientists on there side .. surely it doesn’t take much to realise that for even the total blue pilled ... surgery and births they deserve credit but really we haven’t seen nothing of what there capable of i doubt

2019-04-18 23:19:25 UTC  

I detest how they profit on not healing us. Thus they make no attempt to heal us if instead they can get us to buy medicine year after year. Healing is done for us buying more medicine.

Now numerous people are dying because of how high they have raised drug prices in the USA. Insulin has become horribly expensive and used to be cheap. How is that allowed?

We are all just slaves on this earth. Most just do not know it.

2019-04-18 23:27:11 UTC  

Yep lol well Theresa May husband is growing weed medicine here but because health is free to everyone they have not rolled it out or mentioned it and have stopped kids from being allowed to take it .. I’m not saying it works or not but Theresa May admitted the state owns children in this case because it got huge attention .. i wonder what else they are hiding from us if people can randomly make this .. so for them to profit from this oil U.K. will no doubt lose its free health care @Steve Angell they really can play god with our lives

2019-04-19 09:49:48 UTC  

11th minute in this to me is big .. still no arrests

2019-04-19 09:51:05 UTC  

Think everyone else has accepted its Football fans .. for the media to upload that video of his rant then he gets shot in a city that is rare for shootings is mad

2019-04-19 09:51:44 UTC  

Good link btw @lucid IRA is back lol

2019-04-19 15:35:45 UTC  

or are they... possibly this is UK deep state stirring up trouble so as to provide the threat to justify the need for the backstop and this the traitor May to con MPs into voting for her surrender treaty. After all these people are stupid.