Message from @Riggy17 (UK)

Discord ID: 574564631981326356

2019-05-03 20:24:28 UTC  

its up to 1200 lost seats so far

2019-05-03 20:25:02 UTC  

I watched about 15 min of her 1st video

2019-05-03 20:29:37 UTC  

tbh without properly investigating its hard to know what has really happened. But if she says the children have different eyes, ears and other things then they aren't her kids or she is bonkers. I don't know. If she is serious and wants her children back she needs a good lawyer, not to be speaking at these conventions. Doing interviews saying her parents were satanists because her father had a funny ring on her finger and some markings on his floor that might have resembled a pentagram that he said was a drawing of a compass isn't gonna help. Or that its because she was born on Halloween and has a funny mark in her eye or other stuff.

2019-05-03 20:31:21 UTC  

May is bonkers, she thinks the bad results are because she has been stopped implementing her crazy surrender treaty. The world has gone mad!

2019-05-03 22:01:48 UTC  

just read.. 40,000 spoilt ballots in 72 elections

2019-05-03 22:59:19 UTC  

I wonder how the spoiled ballots will impact the results.

2019-05-03 23:12:18 UTC  

Well it registers the level of voter dissatisfaction to be extremely high. In many of the local elections there wasn't a candidate that was pro brexit.

2019-05-04 14:37:46 UTC  

question...are they leaving the eu also or is a history march of their independence from uk

2019-05-04 17:32:33 UTC  

Stay in the EU if we get independence .. but these fuck ups will not know that probably just been paid for a day out fukin idiots .. good to see a march tho hopefully it’s countered

2019-05-05 00:24:04 UTC  

@SirW00f SNP (Scottish Nationalist Party)
Led by this woman (Nicola Sturgeon)
[It's a prerequisite their surname is that of a fish- previous leader Alex Salmond] wants to split Scotland from the UK but remain part of the globalist empire of the EU thus not get any real independence.
The issue is that Scotland relies upon vast sums of money from England to fund its policies and runs a huge balance of payments deficit. They have free higher education for University students with England paying for example for any student to study at a Scottish University. Even students from the EU. The only exception being if an English student wants to study in Scotland it is NOT free it costs about $13,000 a year! The SNP are of the extreme left. That kinda sums it up...

2019-05-05 10:11:49 UTC

2019-05-05 10:19:16 UTC  

I don’t know where the true figures are but 13.2 billion I’m sure is more than enough for Scotland just from oil and whiskey .. problem is it’s not spread out equally we are all kept comfy or poor not many is rich living a life they choose .. think personally it’s a made up story that Scotland screw the system .. we do not have the right to buy here .. so chances of owning a property for people just getting by are hard where as England use have the right to buy council houses with the discount .. we cannot buy a council house what so ever .. the university may sound great but it’s not Scots filling them up either .. it’s other country’s flooding our university’s with there reputations

2019-05-05 10:22:24 UTC  

Agree that Nicola Sturgeon is a lefty extremist but we put into the economy and get squeezed like everywhere else it’s the people at the top gaining .. and I would be surprised if there was not bigger reasons trump built his golf course in Scotland

2019-05-05 10:24:00 UTC  

Good going for 5.4m people

2019-05-05 10:42:06 UTC  

ok, capital expenditures is loss, capital gains is earned profit

2019-05-05 10:42:30 UTC  

expenditures means they blew the money on something/s

2019-05-05 11:50:56 UTC  

Well gains was 81% of the whole U.K. on oil and gas .. from Scotland

2019-05-05 11:54:43 UTC  

If they revealed real figures everyone would want Brexit and a cap on what people can earn .. the U.K. has way more than they say because they want us to stay in EU and stay at a quite low level so everyone is always grinding .. the other independent EU country’s have less than us to offer and do ok

2019-05-05 11:56:17 UTC  

England does not support us as much as they think well iv not seen stuff to make me think it does yet but it’s all irrelevant the elites end up with the majority anyway

2019-05-06 12:22:31 UTC  

Gerrard Batten of UKIP party .. which 99% patriots have hope in is stepping down on JUNE 2nd ... hopefully patriots are about to unite as one

2019-05-06 20:42:03 UTC  

Royal baby George born today .. for anyone into the two calendars today is actually St. George’s day on the other calendar .. coincidences

2019-05-07 14:44:29 UTC  

Yeh sorry that’s not the name of the baby my bad 🤯🔫

2019-05-07 14:45:13 UTC  

But possibly with the calendars it may be .. i fkd up on that 😂

2019-05-10 13:47:54 UTC  

This already happened btw .. this is 3 huge players of U.K. politics on one tv show .. amber Rudd’s brother made the bilderberg group meeting .. so if Farage is a trump card ( hard to tell ) .. then the media are giving Farage big stages to be seen on for a reason