Message from @Relic 1776

Discord ID: 623725009168236554

2019-09-18 00:44:01 UTC  

The lack of integrity at the judiciary committee is in my opinion further operation to create chaos in hope of sparking civil war.

2019-09-18 00:47:45 UTC  

feeble attempt if so

2019-09-18 01:48:33 UTC  

On the surface, but most Americans don't know what is going on. They see it as a breakdown of society. This can usher in lawlessness. This declass needs to come out.

2019-09-18 01:51:38 UTC  

Alas, a moment of weakness for me. I have nothing to fear. Good wins.

2019-09-18 02:41:28 UTC  

the stakes are high

2019-09-18 03:29:47 UTC  

Perfect example as to why I've chosen to check out for a few days here and there. This guy Timcast is just not very good.

2019-09-18 03:30:50 UTC  

well hes a lefty...but he's not programmed msm lefty

2019-09-18 03:31:33 UTC  

figured i'd keep it balanced so we can see any intelligence on the left side wonder wtf when the show goes on

2019-09-18 03:32:41 UTC  

but he does balance his article readings with both dem/gop based and puts his own spin(opinion) on it

2019-09-18 03:36:41 UTC  

i don't trust the guy at all

2019-09-18 03:37:27 UTC  

@SirW00f Don't really care if he's left right purple yellow black green or whatever. Maybe it's his delivery and old info/content that irritates me. Whatever, my original assertion stands...I do not miss wasting time on this kind of "content".

2019-09-18 03:38:15 UTC  

well i try to post the most entertaining of his content..or any to the point worth mentioning

2019-09-18 03:38:42 UTC  

he puts out about 6-8 vids a day

2019-09-18 03:39:17 UTC  

i try to narrow that down to 1/2 of that or less

2019-09-18 03:39:40 UTC  

and try to avoid topics of mindless leftist drivel unless it's entertaining

2019-09-18 03:40:30 UTC  

All good, buddy. At least you're paying attention. I just ain't gonna spend any time on that kind of crap. Life is too short as it is.

2019-09-18 03:41:20 UTC  
2019-09-18 03:42:21 UTC  

See my previous post.

2019-09-18 03:42:24 UTC  

i normally review the tim pool vids last...but had a migraine day and was a day behind on my content review

2019-09-18 03:43:05 UTC  

relic, condensed version of ur post - life is short, enjoy life while u can without harming others

2019-09-18 03:43:26 UTC  

unless they deserved to be harmed for the harm they did to others

2019-09-18 03:45:16 UTC  

?? Peace

2019-09-18 03:45:20 UTC  

best harm to the ds is exposure

2019-09-18 03:45:54 UTC  


2019-09-18 03:46:11 UTC  

peace happens when there are no more enemies

2019-09-18 03:46:29 UTC  

unless ur playing a video game

2019-09-18 03:47:32 UTC  

i disagree

2019-09-18 03:47:54 UTC  

wars are not won by destroying the enemy, they are won by destroying the enemy's ability to wage war

2019-09-18 03:48:39 UTC  

there will always be enemies, but currently they dominate because of our own wilful ignorance.
and that ignorance is melting like snow in the sunshine

2019-09-18 03:48:40 UTC  

wars are waged on many fronts..not just the blood lust side

2019-09-18 03:48:51 UTC  

the same applies

2019-09-18 03:49:07 UTC  

msm for example: we win that battle when we destroy their ability to lie

2019-09-18 03:54:30 UTC  

another alternative list of links to vid articles if ur interested -

2019-09-18 03:56:35 UTC  

i'm sure theres plenty of listing sites out there for video blog-articles as they come out