Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 558346019595747329

2019-03-21 11:39:47 UTC  

Sir Branson "Virgin" and Haiti also owns the island next to epsteins

2019-03-21 13:43:23 UTC  

He was the big winner in the election yesterday

2019-03-21 14:04:42 UTC  

Those the last drops the one of the boy at the table, one of the comments said, “much too young, keep trying”.

2019-03-21 14:05:40 UTC  

Public lynching

2019-03-21 14:08:54 UTC

2019-03-21 15:18:37 UTC  

Theres a lot of like youtube battling going on right now over the SES and who started SES and what Serco is and this jason goodman lawsuit hes being sued by the same lawyer whos representing Devin Nunes in the twitter lawsuit anyway Ive swallowed all the information but from what i can tell from doing my own research is that Kristine Marcy had nothing to do with the formation of the SES and field McConell and everyone else at Abel Danger are full of shit.

2019-03-21 15:18:47 UTC  

But IDK really im still trying to figure it all out

2019-03-21 16:38:14 UTC

2019-03-21 16:43:14 UTC  

America is better. You can register to vote under 20 names at 20 places and vote 20 times.

Come on this is simply to prevent people from collecting food 20 times. How else can it be done. Put an RFID chip in your hand? They have no food because America is stealing their money. Just this week they stole the Gold and are selling it but Venezuela will not get a dime. Like it or not Maduro is the elected President. Guido is not elected and their constitution only gave him 30 days to get himself in office. Six months ago. So by no stretch of the imagination is he valid. Besides the first step was to go to the Supreme court which did not agree so he was denied the Presidency.

This is a Coup America is trying to obtain.

2019-03-21 17:12:06 UTC  

pete, i do that for my neighbors too....been doing that for yrs ...helping them out of slippery spots...but i live in a democratic controlled city..i know it's not safe to wear maga here because they used to attack physically ppl that had trump logos on them or their cars in this city(first 20 or so searches on google were all my city for trump supporters vs hrc supporters 2016)...i didn't vote last election because i knew of the corruption going on, i knew they traced who voted for who here and harassed them if ppl didn't vote their way.

2019-03-21 17:16:52 UTC  

in a dem controlled city, no good deed goes unpunished

2019-03-21 17:31:02 UTC  

left u 2 presents down in research open btw

2019-03-21 17:34:07 UTC  

this is why they're charging ppl with fines and jail time....proof is out there

2019-03-21 17:38:31 UTC

2019-03-21 17:48:19 UTC  

one is serco the other ses

2019-03-21 18:15:59 UTC  

Has anyone got photos of the elites with their red shoes or articles or videos of the shoes being made of blood dye please?

2019-03-21 18:29:35 UTC

2019-03-21 18:29:42 UTC

2019-03-21 18:31:03 UTC  

Thanks 👌💯

2019-03-21 18:32:00 UTC  

Who are they with the high heels 👠.. i got the podesta one but that’s it

2019-03-21 18:33:19 UTC  

Pope Benedict will still wear white in retirement, but not the red shoes. Unless he clicks his heels and says, "There's no place like Rome"

2019-03-21 18:34:45 UTC

2019-03-21 18:34:57 UTC  

Is this the pope @LowLandsPete ?

2019-03-21 18:35:20 UTC  

yes thats possible

2019-03-21 18:35:45 UTC  

Thanks 👍

2019-03-21 18:37:50 UTC

2019-03-21 18:39:25 UTC