Message from @LowLandsPete

Discord ID: 563355823754182656

2019-04-04 11:44:14 UTC  

good video

2019-04-04 11:44:38 UTC  

did it explain why adam and eve was classified? did i miss it. ?

2019-04-04 11:45:30 UTC  

mostly when they classify public information is because it gets too close to the truth for their comfort

2019-04-04 11:46:20 UTC  

well it wasn't really classified copies do exist

2019-04-04 11:47:20 UTC  

same as the article also in the files it's not classified info

2019-04-04 11:48:15 UTC  

Him working with Stanton Friedman is a clue, imo he's an OP

2019-04-04 11:50:45 UTC  

It probably ended up in the story and Sci-Fi script agency to be turned into the x-files and ancient aliens

2019-04-04 13:22:31 UTC  

@Dick Butkus Adam and Eve are still classified. What we have is a sanitized copy.

2019-04-04 13:23:32 UTC  

Perhaps real copies of the book exist. I seriously doubt this. I doubt you could find a real original copy not sanitized.

2019-04-04 13:25:02 UTC  

it's on amazon and google books

2019-04-04 13:25:17 UTC  

It is strange how it is made out that Germany burning books was bad. I mean when our government does this all the time. No your book is not allowed it speaks of classified material, copyrighted material. So many excuses to remove our freedom of expression.

2019-04-04 13:25:25 UTC  

Did you watch the vid?

2019-04-04 13:26:26 UTC  

it is not a banned book it just ended up in a classified report

2019-04-04 13:32:49 UTC  

Is the copy they sell the original. Or the sanitized version. Fact is the government bans numerous books.

2019-04-04 13:33:23 UTC  


2019-04-04 13:34:15 UTC  

Medical books with herbs. Nearly impossible to find. Numerous doctors killed on a yearly basis and this is just denied. Oh suicide.

2019-04-04 13:34:30 UTC  


2019-04-04 13:34:55 UTC  

a lot of fringe subjects are hard to research

2019-04-04 13:35:47 UTC  

pardon the pun but you are reading to much into that adam and eve story

2019-04-04 13:38:13 UTC  

Perhaps. But so many books I have read of banned by the Government. They will take the book and claim it has copyrighted or classified information within it. So it is removed. Not legal to sale.

2019-04-04 13:39:01 UTC  

@Steve Angell can you share more about the Adam & Eve classified? I’ve never heard of this.

2019-04-04 13:39:06 UTC  

If it contains classified info there is the answer

2019-04-04 13:39:14 UTC  

Medical is so common. They have numerous rules that make it nearly impossible to give good information about it.

2019-04-04 13:39:47 UTC  

i still have a few friends with pre big pharma herbal medical books

2019-04-04 13:40:27 UTC  

1920's-1930's printing last time i looked

2019-04-04 13:40:53 UTC  

@Mary Poppins scroll up a bit there is a video about it.

2019-04-04 13:44:02 UTC  

I downloaded the sanitized version. The video I watched said it was nearly impossible to find the original book and the newer ones are the sanitized version just not labeled as such. The reviews on it make it rather clear to me not the original book.

2019-04-04 13:45:25 UTC  

Libraries are often required to remove books the government no longer wants us to have access to. My wife worked at one and would get list of books required to be removed on a regular basis.

2019-04-04 13:48:02 UTC  

These books could not be sold or given away. Destroyed. They did get other list of books that could be given away or sold.

2019-04-04 13:50:51 UTC  

Yes where I went. How are you to know this is the original version?

2019-04-04 13:50:59 UTC  

it's not cheap for an original copy

2019-04-04 13:51:49 UTC  

Sick of YouTube and it’s bs. I go to search for ArchaeoLogic from my app, will not come up. It’s total bs

2019-04-04 13:53:45 UTC  

If that's a real question on how i am to supposed know if it's real... it's end of discussion for me m8.. that's getting us nowhere

2019-04-04 13:55:51 UTC  

I hate search on anything on the internet. It never searches correctly anymore. It does not even search for the words you type. It just changes the words and searches for something else.