Message from @Steve Angell

Discord ID: 563412113276534817

2019-04-04 14:32:41 UTC  

I know I get as much help from Yehovah now as when I prayed through Jesus. Works for me far better. I prayed to get over my depression for 20 years in the name of Jesus and it never worked. It did when I prayed to Yehovah instead. Most of my family siblings, parents and children are still Christian and I commend them for their belief in God. Only two children followed me to Yehovah and one of them only sort of.

2019-04-04 14:33:51 UTC  

God blesses you when you pray through Jesus. I still fully believe that to be true.

2019-04-04 14:40:46 UTC  

@LowLandsPete Interesting video on the cards as well. He does not seem to indicate that book is different than the newer versions. If he could I suppose. Perhaps he did and youtube removed the video.

2019-04-04 14:43:53 UTC  

The greatest thing that we can impart to the children is to think critically.
Always challenge the narrative. To look behind the curtain. We will probably never learn the TRUTH about the Nature of things in our lifetimes, but we are still learning and growing.
If we also impart values, morals, ideals to our children, then they will be contributing members to society in a positive manner.
That will be our Legacy.

2019-04-04 14:45:45 UTC  

I remember watching the Wizard of Oz as a child. I always wondered is this the world we live in. What is hidden from us. Not that the rest of our family thought this way. They did not seem to understand what I was saying.

2019-04-04 14:49:05 UTC  

That is why we are here, this is what draws us in.
The majority of us have always thought outside the “box” so to speak.
Every major event that has happened in my life I knew was a lie.
The narrative that was spun was bullshit in my opinion.
The only thing I believe in now is GOD.

2019-04-04 14:50:03 UTC  

The monotheistic God?

2019-04-04 14:54:38 UTC  

I am very close to Yehovah. Though even on that I have moved a huge amount on belief. At age 16 I saw a vision of Heaven which did not correspond with what people believe. Sort of did as a Mormon, only sort of. Not what most of them believed. As I got older I came to understand my belief on that was different than what other Mormons believed. Our family was rather unique on our Mormon beliefs.

I now believe in Yehovah the Council of Heaven. Yehovah is The Council of Heaven. So John 14 is basically my belief. Jesus came from Heaven and was part of what we call God. He returned to Heaven and once again was part of God. On earth the Council of Heaven could speak through Jesus. We are all part of this Council whether we know that or not. We can certainly act against their wishes. We can receive from them with little understanding. The norm.

2019-04-04 15:48:28 UTC  

Recently something has happened at church that has really given me perspective (I’m Orthodox ). I won’t go into it but suffice it to say we recognize that no man is infallible (priests, bishops, metropolitan) and I’m having to ‘put my money where my mouth is’ and move through it knowing that not ALL who say that, practice it.

2019-04-04 15:56:58 UTC  

Okay this is funny.

2019-04-04 15:58:34 UTC  

@Mary Poppins .. I’m with ya on that

2019-04-04 16:52:19 UTC  

@Mary Poppins
Sort of like this I suppose.
Forgiving leaders who sexually abused girls and women kept me Mormon for a long time. When they allowed gays be scout leaders I left it.
I have no problem with people being gay. Their choice. I just knew a person who helped them and he was very clear they should never be scout leaders or scouts. This leaves the scouts in a very bad position. Too many of them are very often abusive.

2019-04-04 16:53:35 UTC  

i guess u were hoping to be a leader...til they went off the gay pier

2019-04-04 17:10:26 UTC  

He was a psychologist. He was well known here to be able to help gays get through life a lot better and not try to get them to stop being gay. He let me know that nearly all of them admitted they had abused others. Tried to get as many as possible to join them in gay actions.

Again being gay is a choice and I have no problem with anyone making that choice. However that does not mean I will not see that choice as also a choice to not go to scouts or be a scout leader unless it is a gay scout troop and I have no problem with that either.

2019-04-04 17:13:13 UTC  

I do feel that it is against God making that choice. But so many things are against God. I do not see being gay as worse than stealing, fraud, adultery and on and on. We should not hate someone for not being perfect. We also should not expect others to join us in our wicked acts. I would never attend a gay wedding or invite a gay couple into my house or go to their house.

2019-04-04 17:14:37 UTC  

I would shop in a store run by a Gay unless it was a Gay store. That would have to do with how nice they were. Many gays are very nice people. Very good at helping where they work.

2019-04-04 17:17:49 UTC  

actually science proved that chemical poisoning can make even the frogs gay

2019-04-04 17:18:35 UTC  

Indeed I saw that study. Some fish will change sex if only one sex exist near them.

2019-04-04 17:18:53 UTC  

sorry, i couldn't help my self

2019-04-04 17:19:02 UTC  

No problem

2019-04-04 17:19:21 UTC  

his only redeeming feature....a meme for all time

2019-04-04 17:21:13 UTC  

Well the best way to sell evil or falsehoods is to start out by telling truth. Suck the people in then spread the lies. Works very well. LDS speakers at the highest levels are excellent at this. Their talks almost always start with absolute truth. Then pure lies later on.

2019-04-04 17:45:29 UTC  

The worst lie they say is no one has ever proven the Book of Mormon false. Though true it is only true because the Church provides absolutely no way to present factual information. So this has never been tested. It was in England and the book was proven false. Yet that is ignored by these liars who still claim never proven false. Just not over there. They can not claim it over there it would mean they could be sued and lose.

2019-04-04 17:53:17 UTC  

Ya trey parker and matt stone made a play called the book of mormon

2019-04-04 17:53:20 UTC  

they won a Tony for it

2019-04-04 17:54:03 UTC  

they said they werent trying to be funny or ridicule the mormon faith. its just sof unny how it plays out obviously

2019-04-04 17:55:26 UTC  


2019-04-04 17:55:31 UTC  

she askes the questions that may decide her fate

2019-04-04 17:56:29 UTC  

ok, it's official ...trump is out to troll

2019-04-04 17:56:31 UTC  

Ya I watched that live it was very clear she wasnt just asking him a question but having a conversation with him

2019-04-04 17:57:39 UTC  

Best president ever

2019-04-04 17:57:42 UTC  


2019-04-04 17:58:02 UTC  

"i touch people inappropriately, that's how i show i care about them and i listen to them while whispering words 2inchs from their ears"

2019-04-04 18:04:06 UTC  

des, he needs to get that close if he only has '2 inches' to work with

2019-04-04 18:20:05 UTC