Message from @Desimated

Discord ID: 565659674494500924

2019-04-10 19:41:35 UTC  


2019-04-10 19:43:41 UTC  

So far one one good question asked. Cruz sort of went there but only sort of. They should be asked about Gateway Pundit and others who have had their numbers go way way down since 2016.

2019-04-10 19:44:48 UTC  

oddly enough..the noahide laws protect jews and muslims ..but nobody else

2019-04-10 21:00:47 UTC  

I think the Q is a lab nearby. The video mentioned the name of it.

2019-04-10 21:01:52 UTC  

Q was a biz logo for a long time...still is til lefties started to trash their shipments because their logo "Q" is on it

2019-04-10 21:02:26 UTC  

since the Q-Anon movement got on a roll

2019-04-10 21:56:17 UTC  

This is what is so frustrating to WWG1WGA. The DOJ is still protecting Obama and Hillary. FBI lawyers obstructing justice when Baker is testifying to congress. Multiple Trump officials spied on but the FBI will not allow us to know of it.

2019-04-10 21:57:54 UTC  

Thank God for Collins because so far all the DOJ/FBI is doing is obstructing Justice. Dual justice. One set for the Conservatives an entirely different set for Liberals.

2019-04-10 21:58:39 UTC  

Barr testimony did indicate he might investigate. Time will tell. So far he has not.

2019-04-10 21:59:14 UTC  

slow roll... letting the rats think they have hope...

2019-04-10 22:03:26 UTC  

The people videotaping this seem to be enjoying watching this man beaten up till he pulls out his gun. They they scream no, no no.

2019-04-10 22:08:37 UTC  

totally okay with assult

2019-04-10 22:09:35 UTC  

and 2 vs. 1 at that... these bystandards are cowards and POS for not coming to defense of this individual, assault is NEVER okay

2019-04-10 22:10:58 UTC  

i remember a time when a 92yrold man living down the street was attacked by 3 20ish men over a decade ago

2019-04-10 22:11:27 UTC  

the 92yrold man was a ww2 marine....he sent those 3 men to the hospital

2019-04-10 22:12:25 UTC  

he took them out with a sock.....with a pool/billards ball in it

2019-04-10 22:12:56 UTC  

he may be old, but he's not stupid

2019-04-10 22:21:41 UTC  

Tom Fitton sees Barr the same way. He does not see any evidence Barr will do anything to straighten up the DOJ or FBI. Strange how Barr was clear that he had no squad investigating yet this is still being reported as a fact because Hannity said it last night. Barr said he was "looking into it". Far too little. The evidence is overwhelming but he acts like it is questionable.

2019-04-10 22:24:23 UTC  

Tom makes it clear that the name Obama seems to be held off limits. No one is allowed to question Obama being part of the coup. Responsible for DOJ/FBI operations. Why is Barr afraid of Obama. I don't know. Too partisan to attack Obama but fine to attack Trump. Two tiers of Justice. We Dems own you Repubs.

2019-04-10 22:29:48 UTC  

the attack on obama begins when the rest get lined up for prison uniforms....

2019-04-10 22:30:08 UTC  

the attack on obama begins when his sealed records get unsealed for public viewing

2019-04-10 22:57:11 UTC  

The following was posted on US Constitutional Research Grp server:
Look out for a Discord user by the name of :

"Frost Wolf" ---with the tag-- #4876

He is going around sending friend requests to random Discord users, and those who accept his friend requests will have their accounts DDoSed and their groups exposed with the members inside it becoming a victim aswell. Spread the word and send this to as many discord servers as you can. If you see this user,
DO NOT accept his friend request and immediately block him.

-Discord team @here
Copy and paste this to all of the servers you are in
repost alert from the other boards

2019-04-11 00:26:32 UTC  

I must have missed this. Barr is clearly saying spying did occur and this is a very big deal. The first part of this has this about three minutes in.

2019-04-11 01:48:01 UTC