Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 572463051094360084

2019-04-29 16:11:43 UTC  

and oddly enough the illuminati was formed around the end of the 1700's and few public news sites..say it was dismantled by local gov in france

2019-04-29 16:11:44 UTC  

There is no order of the mansons I don't know where you get that from.

2019-04-29 16:12:02 UTC  

pete, search engine got funky

2019-04-29 16:12:23 UTC  

either i or the search engine made an error...

2019-04-29 16:16:31 UTC  

Oh man

2019-04-29 16:16:45 UTC  

Delete it all!!!

2019-04-29 16:17:22 UTC  

It’s sad that we have no privacy anymore

2019-04-29 16:18:12 UTC  

don't worry it's going to get much worse

2019-04-29 16:22:10 UTC  

we now have one Darpa internet.. soon we have a choice of 4 or more interwebs

2019-04-29 16:23:22 UTC  

all build to suck in all your data from the ground up with no government.. think Twatter facebag on steroids

2019-04-29 16:24:27 UTC  

In 5 years you are going to wish for this crappy web again.

2019-04-29 16:24:34 UTC  

ok, i'll take ur 'thousands of sats' and raise them with this -

2019-04-29 16:25:09 UTC  

are we seeing a possible picture in the future with this global order soon?

2019-04-29 16:25:24 UTC  

xtc lab?

2019-04-29 16:26:26 UTC  

The building was seized by police and the chemicals will be removed by specialists.

The 35,000 liters (9,245 gallons) of chemicals include sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide solution and phosphoric acid.

2019-04-29 16:26:59 UTC  

or Meth

2019-04-29 16:29:00 UTC  

I can say one thing you cant order or store those amounts without a license

2019-04-29 16:43:47 UTC  

might have follow up on that story

2019-04-29 17:48:17 UTC  


2019-04-29 20:07:41 UTC  

Hello Patriots

2019-04-29 20:30:10 UTC  

Am I the only one who has noticed the shills sending jew-haters to undermine the movement with their retardation?

2019-04-29 20:30:36 UTC  

I mean, Q talked about the Khazarian Mafia, not the Jewish People

2019-04-29 20:31:22 UTC  

They infiltrated the Jewish Order, calling themselves the 13th tribe, the Israeli deep state today, many other names in the past, taking root in the most persecuted people on the planet, all the way back to Antiquity and beyond

2019-04-29 20:32:45 UTC  

Insidious, cunning, frightfully intelligent.... They're sending anti-Semitic shills here and other Q places to try to destroy us from the inside out. I can't even go 5 posts without seeing someone calling Trump a Zionist Jew Lover

2019-04-29 20:33:39 UTC  

They create wars they then make themselves the victim of. They play both sides of the field, and make the idea of anyone else doing it seem like the worst sin of all.
The KM are MASTERS of projection

2019-04-29 20:33:53 UTC  

I feel like I'm shouting into the wind here.......