Message from @LowLandsPete

Discord ID: 572811674483032075

2019-04-30 15:25:40 UTC  

If you want just the Q post website with all drops:

2019-04-30 15:32:27 UTC  

Do you believe people would join a platform knowing it was under the control of the C_A and FED GOV?

Anyone would know CIA was CIA. However if this is the CAA who would know that it was FED GOV. Yes part of the CIA but that is hidden.

2019-04-30 15:33:52 UTC  

Later it says:
Do they know it's an individual collection asset program being covertly operated by the C_A?

2019-04-30 15:34:17 UTC  

Q isn't a fan of the CIA

2019-04-30 15:34:42 UTC  

I think he is connecting the two. As they are two of the same. So it can mean CIA or CAA part of the CIA.

2019-04-30 15:36:48 UTC  

He can not be using the _ for no reason.

2019-04-30 15:36:52 UTC  

Post 2990 is related to facebook, you should take posts out of context

2019-04-30 15:37:37 UTC  

And CAA is for sure a deepstate elite slush fund

2019-04-30 15:37:44 UTC  

Yes it is about illegal surveillance. Like they can use our phone to track us even when you supposedly turn it off. Off is not really off.

2019-04-30 15:38:24 UTC  

You have to remove the battery. Even then it is possible they use free energy to keep it on for their purposes.

2019-04-30 15:39:37 UTC  

so has nothing to do with actors .. context

2019-04-30 15:41:29 UTC  

I agree. C_A can mean CIA but it can also mean CAA. Why the underline.

We know AOC was hired at a casting call for her current position. She is not very smart. However when she speaks what she is told to speak she speaks well. Like with Barry only reading a teleprompter made him seem smart. Just an actor.

2019-04-30 15:42:20 UTC  

It was very obvious others were really running the Government not Barry.

2019-04-30 15:43:57 UTC  

CAA is a part of mockingbird so in that sense they are also related to the whole picture. It's where Obama got his 60 million book deal and Jordan Petterson is being payed by.

2019-04-30 15:43:59 UTC  

How many others in DC Gov were hired like AOC. Just paid actors.

2019-04-30 15:44:21 UTC  

AOC is a total bot

2019-04-30 15:45:39 UTC  

C_A 'illegal' SURV > members of Congress?
C_A 'illegal' SURV > members of the Press?

Seems to me CAA is what Q is speaking of. CAA controlling actors they paid to obtain Government positions. Just bots.

2019-04-30 15:46:59 UTC  


2019-04-30 15:47:08 UTC  

Now later in same post:
How did CHINA locate primary C_A assets within CHINA [187]?
Obviously CIA there.

2019-04-30 15:48:28 UTC  

Do you really think AOC is the only one who obtained her office after a casting call. Seems to me Gowdy is also an actor and many others. They act very well go behind and work very hard for the DNC though they claim to be conservatives.

2019-04-30 15:49:05 UTC  

where do i say that?

2019-04-30 15:49:48 UTC  

This is the way I see Gowdy. Spoke like he was trying hard to get Hillary but instead he would go against true witnesses against her.

2019-04-30 15:49:48 UTC  

Politics is theater a lot of bad actors end up there

2019-04-30 15:50:14 UTC  

Exactly. A lot of bad actors.

2019-04-30 15:54:42 UTC  

So, if the CAA is an association, perhaps you could dig to see how & by whom these people are paid, if they("bad actors') have memberships and who funds the CAA.

2019-04-30 15:57:19 UTC  

That would be really helpful and may show another link in the DS machine.

2019-04-30 15:58:52 UTC  

it's good that you are taking a look at the Q drops and thinking of alternatives. Many abbreviations have multiple meanings , but must be seen within the whole context.

2019-04-30 15:59:45 UTC  

Seems to me Holy Woods is where the main operation is done. Numerous movies and TV Shows to push the NWO agenda. Look how they pushed being Gay was normal and fine. Then the laws were changed to give Gays more rights than the rest of us have.

2019-04-30 16:00:15 UTC  

If you fire a gay they will claim it was because they were Gay.

2019-04-30 16:01:10 UTC  

Hollywood is very agenda driven, along with the music, games and any entertainment medium.

2019-04-30 16:02:01 UTC  

Yes. The Holy Woods was where the pagan rituals were performed back in the days of Rome. Madonna made a video of being there.

2019-04-30 16:04:35 UTC  

Keep digging Steve. 👍 I am sure you will find links that you can share with GAC.

2019-04-30 16:07:19 UTC  

Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) is the fourth studio album by American rock band Marilyn Manson.

Why do they call it that?

2019-04-30 16:09:40 UTC  

So somehow they knew that Psalms 23:4 was referring to the Holy Woods.

2019-04-30 16:10:37 UTC  

It is very hard to research these things any more. DDG or whatever tries with all their might to hide good information. The truth.

2019-04-30 16:11:18 UTC  

Do you know the work from Manly P Hall?

2019-04-30 16:37:55 UTC  

"The Holly tree (Ilex aquifolium) is one of the sacred trees of Wicca/Witchcraft, and was of old a favoured tree of the ancient druids. In England during the winter, against the barren whiteness of our snow and frost, the Holly tree is an important native evergreen. Its glossy green leaves and clusters of red berries add a flash of colour to trees without leaves and is one of the most striking plants in the woodlands."

2019-04-30 16:40:28 UTC  

David found Saul in a cave in Holly Woods. Did not kill him but easily could have. Most likely what is referred to in Psalms. "wilderness of Ziph",

2019-04-30 16:44:05 UTC  

When I was studying Wicca/Witchcraft I found this tree was deeply imbedded in it. Another verse talks of the tree they would put wood on and carry it around. Sort of like a Christmas Tree. Decorated with gold and silver.

Rather sure it was a Holly Tree.