Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 572878171972698135

2019-04-30 18:28:00 UTC  

operation liberty in action

2019-04-30 18:32:43 UTC  

@Bleezer We moved from Ca in 2017 to North Idaho. I have to say there are a lot of libs moving here, mostly to southern Idaho. Wish we would have gone to MT.

2019-04-30 18:58:38 UTC  

@everyone , we have created a new area under non-q channels called <#572858857659826176> , if you have any content (big movies / books) that people should consider please put them there.

Please note we want the content in this area to be big movies / big books... no youtube commentaries, lets keep it to things that people would be able to share with their friends and family for a fun filled evening without bombarding them with the truths we know as evident.


2019-04-30 19:01:52 UTC  

Hard to believe the differences in these three videos of what happened this morning in Venezuela. Seems to me those people did not look like they were starving. The military did not look like they were in support of Guido. Not much happened at all. Big fail by Guido seems to me.

2019-04-30 19:07:10 UTC  

What seems strange to me is they speak of how bad Maduro is. Yet Guido is there protesting and he is not even arrested. It just does not add up. If Maduro is such a thug why does he just allow Guido to gin up all these protest.

2019-04-30 19:08:49 UTC  

Maduro has the same problem the democrats have

2019-04-30 19:28:49 UTC  

seems it went hot

2019-04-30 19:55:21 UTC  

How would you feel if your General had you come for medals then instead asked you to join a Coup against the President you like. Not very good. Perhaps you would arrest those Generals who were plotting the coup. What I see happening in that video.

This seems to me to just be Deep State trying to get a coup so the Oil Companies can steal the oil again.

2019-04-30 19:55:55 UTC  

Bolton earlier talked about getting the oil.

2019-04-30 20:10:03 UTC  

sounds about right to me.

2019-04-30 20:10:09 UTC  

no Venezuela/Maduro is deep state he has to go so the people can get the wealth the country has and not a select group of elites like generals "that like" the president/dictator

2019-04-30 20:10:42 UTC  

America doesn't need the Oil

2019-04-30 20:11:48 UTC  

well.. not through a coup but trough business

2019-04-30 20:11:59 UTC  

venezuela made the mistake of relying their entire income exclusively on oil....they basically taxed and kicked out all other sources of income...which is odd considering they had gold mines there

2019-04-30 20:12:28 UTC  

when the market value of oil drops..the nation there collapses

2019-04-30 20:12:51 UTC  


2019-04-30 20:13:09 UTC  

It's richer in oil then saudi arabia

2019-04-30 20:13:19 UTC  

when it's thru the roof, they live high on the hog...til it comes back to bite them in the ass with the high cost of food processing and transportation

2019-04-30 20:13:22 UTC  

it's getting it out that is the problem

2019-04-30 20:13:30 UTC  

not for the US

2019-04-30 20:14:46 UTC  

ask ur self this..what's stopping big oil from stealing that nation's oil from outside that nation's waters...since big oil now has horizontial drilling tech

2019-04-30 20:15:17 UTC  

sure the pipes will be longer than normal...but it will hit their oil in international waters

2019-04-30 20:16:02 UTC  

most of their oil is on land in tar grounds

2019-04-30 20:16:14 UTC  

like in the US

2019-04-30 20:17:09 UTC  

so....with effective horizontal drilling skills.....could get oil from even out of the ground under the national parks of alaska without even being in the national parks of alaska

2019-04-30 20:17:33 UTC  

and besides.. it's either the US China or Russia... you choose

2019-04-30 20:18:48 UTC  

Venezuela is like Haiti a deep state shit hole and Trumps gonna fix it.

2019-04-30 20:19:18 UTC  

weird thing is ...big oil didn't invent the horizontal drilling was natural gas fracking that did

2019-04-30 20:20:59 UTC  

If stealing oil is a thing like you suggest then why not go to Antarctica

2019-04-30 20:21:35 UTC  

who says they're not already doing it there

2019-04-30 20:22:29 UTC  

If thats the case then we have more then enough nothing to worry about

2019-04-30 20:35:18 UTC  

"Meanwhile national security advisor John Bolton has stated this is "not a coup" given that the US already sees opposition leader Juan Guaido as the country's president."

So John can Russia declare Nancy Poloski President then nuke Trump in Florida with its high speed missile. Declare well Poliski is the President. We were just helping her out.

This is asinine. He is in no way President. Just a lie.

So in reality he is admitting this is a Coup.

2019-04-30 20:35:30 UTC  

As to their oil it is far more than that. Venezuela has tons of precious metals gems and on and on.

Their people should have the right to sell it to their benefit. What was happening.

Watch the earlier video. There was a coup earlier. It lasted four days and the people undid it. If Guido wins he will be dead within days and the people will do it.

Maduro was a bus driver. It is a lie he was enriching himself.

2019-04-30 20:38:10 UTC  

Maduro was duly elected in a fairer election than what we have in America where dozens of seats are stolen by the DNC every election.

2019-04-30 20:39:08 UTC  

Obama was more Socialist than Maduro is.