Message from @BlackMetalWitch
Discord ID: 298883498465558528
Especially the Africans.
I'm speshal
What are people's thoughts on EdgySphinx?
Another sunflowerfag
Anyway, knock knock
>culture is a race
>feminists hate rape culture
>feminists are racist
Morning children
HOw's everyone today
School is school.
what are you studying
I'm taking Web Dev, Calc2, Eng 102 and speech
what are you reading in ENg 102
Mainly short stories.
We did "Heat" "Stupid Girl" "The Lone Ranger and Tonto: Fistfight in heaven" and "Memento Mori". We also watched *Memento*
Heat like the bank robber movie?
Oooo Memento. I enjoyed that movied
Shalom my fellow Jewish brethren.
amsalam alaykum
Привет командир.
Something something jewish words here
everyone here is white right?
Hey goy. Can you not understand my peaceful agenda?
I'm black
Like coal