Message from @Dyno

Discord ID: 801890117907775508

2021-01-21 18:14:15 UTC  

Isn’t telegram a furry and bot haven?

2021-01-21 18:21:29 UTC  

People think that, but a lot of businesses use it for the encryption. But yeah, there are a lot of furries.

2021-01-21 18:23:03 UTC  

Guys stop posting, stop meming, bend the knee to big tech, bend the knee to your Kamala Overqueen.

2021-01-21 18:24:24 UTC  

don't spam the same message over and over again. you'll get auto-kick for spamming

2021-01-21 18:25:52 UTC  

Cameltoe harris...mmm yes

2021-01-21 18:30:28 UTC  


2021-01-21 18:30:56 UTC  


2021-01-21 18:30:59 UTC  

Just gonna say this here because general 1 and 2 are off topic and weird talk, It's funny as soon as Biden is sworn in they are planning to open schools in my state and other stuff even with the so called *super strain* going around smh

2021-01-21 18:31:32 UTC  

They try to ruin the economy when Trump is in

2021-01-21 18:31:47 UTC  

But when Biden is in they open everything up

2021-01-21 18:32:04 UTC  

To boost the economy

2021-01-21 18:33:31 UTC  

not gonna respond to that so we dont get banned

2021-01-21 18:35:26 UTC  

8000 covid deaths under joe biden. what a disgusting failure of a president

2021-01-21 18:51:42 UTC  

And GOP is now Senate minority ;-;

2021-01-21 18:51:59 UTC  

Our rights are fucked

2021-01-21 18:52:39 UTC  


2021-01-21 18:53:16 UTC  

Republicans, whatever you want to call them

2021-01-21 18:53:23 UTC  

Oh I thought meant the GOP was senate majority

2021-01-21 18:53:50 UTC  

I was like what?

2021-01-21 18:55:34 UTC  

They’re gonna make sure that the only republicans that can run for office are as strong as Romney

2021-01-21 19:05:02 UTC  

Everyone please read #🔔|announcements.

2021-01-21 19:15:04 UTC  


2021-01-21 19:17:33 UTC  

Everyone watch Songbirds

2021-01-21 19:36:03 UTC  

don't tell me what to do

2021-01-21 19:36:38 UTC  

oh i forgot that our freedom of speech is being shut down by the liberal tech companies, pretty sad

2021-01-21 19:56:14 UTC  

@FBI read the <#719770967542333442> don't advertise private servers here

2021-01-21 20:04:25 UTC  

This place shouldnt exist

2021-01-21 20:18:49 UTC  

Everyone please read #🔔|announcements.

2021-01-21 20:26:44 UTC  


2021-01-21 20:27:30 UTC  

Gen 3

2021-01-21 20:27:45 UTC  

It’s nice and quiet here

2021-01-21 20:27:54 UTC  

And nobody talks

2021-01-21 20:29:20 UTC  

I need a break from gen 1

2021-01-21 20:29:39 UTC  

Gen 1 just made me gain a chromosome

2021-01-21 20:29:44 UTC  

I need some quality gulag time

2021-01-21 20:30:05 UTC  

Gen 1 is bad

2021-01-21 20:30:45 UTC  

Gen 1 is annoying, gen 2 is weird, gen 3 is where it’s at

2021-01-21 20:31:42 UTC  

It’s like the segments of a bus, Gen 1 is the front kids talking to the teachers and bus driver, Gen 2 is the kids in the middle licking the windows and eating boogers, the cool kids (Gen 3) are in the back.

2021-01-21 20:31:47 UTC  

Gen 1 is insane, gen 2 is home of the dude with the hand fetish and gen 3 is dead

2021-01-21 20:52:07 UTC  

Gen 3 is gulag we are criminals gen 3 is baby gulag then when you get muted it's real gulag

2021-01-21 20:52:45 UTC  

Real GULAG best