Message from @KungFlu BatSoup

Discord ID: 801805466588938260

2021-01-21 13:16:46 UTC  

I think Tom Cruise simply watched Seinfeld and got the idea from George to wear boots to be taller. Guys always in boots

2021-01-21 13:17:18 UTC  

Wake up to see on the news there were riots last night from "left wing protesters" (antifa & blm). For those that voted for Biden thinking this crap would have stopped, that didn't age well for them

2021-01-21 13:19:08 UTC  

It's to give reason to Biden to crack down.

2021-01-21 13:19:12 UTC  

Is he? Stallone just gets other shorter people to make him look taller. Like Mr. T looking giant at 5' 10".

2021-01-21 13:20:35 UTC  

I wonder if harris will extend the school day by 3 hours

2021-01-21 13:21:02 UTC  

You think they'll crack down on it this time? They only want to condem protesters with right-leaning views and call them terrorists, but not antifa or blm. Even BLM was started under Obama's watch and a couple cities were torched

2021-01-21 13:21:08 UTC  

Search "Andre Chamberlain Schwarzenegger" and you'll see an amusing picture of height

2021-01-21 13:21:13 UTC  

she better not. kids have feelings too

2021-01-21 13:22:44 UTC  

Idk if she still wants to. In 2019 she introduced a bill to extend it by 3 hours

2021-01-21 13:24:04 UTC  

thats a good way to lose your voter base. come next election a lot of people who just became eligable to vote will remember that

2021-01-21 13:25:03 UTC  

But those folks barely vote

2021-01-21 13:25:31 UTC  

She already said young people are stupid, but did a 180 and said voting age should be lowered to 16. So who know's what she really thinks.

2021-01-21 13:25:58 UTC  

Whatever's good for her

2021-01-21 13:26:00 UTC  

thats terrible idea

2021-01-21 13:26:17 UTC  

everybody gangsta until gen z starts voting

2021-01-21 13:26:27 UTC  

So if 16 can vote does that mean they are legal adults?

2021-01-21 13:26:40 UTC  

She flip flops a lot all in the name of politics and what gets her ahead <:thinking:726878987837636698>

2021-01-21 13:26:56 UTC  

16 year olds are a lot easier to exploit

2021-01-21 13:27:01 UTC  

shes a democrat so yes

2021-01-21 13:28:06 UTC  

Ok 16 year old go get a job and that means you can start filing for taxes, get a job in law enforcement

2021-01-21 13:28:40 UTC  

Marjorie Taylor Greene filed articles of impeachment against joe biden

2021-01-21 13:28:59 UTC  

Two can play at this game

2021-01-21 13:29:50 UTC  

man, there were riots/protests in several places last night. none of them from trump supporters. All were antifa/blm

2021-01-21 13:30:41 UTC  

And not a peep from MSM they are jerking each other on TV while the world burns

2021-01-21 13:31:31 UTC  

Also, any video that shows some random city skyline or buildings and saying "entire city cheers for biden", I'm thinking they're not real. Could just be some video of some buildings with some audio dubbed into the background from a previous football game or anything else that involves crowds cheering.

2021-01-21 13:32:08 UTC  

What kind of commie shit is this

2021-01-21 13:32:27 UTC  

Fox reported some of it

2021-01-21 13:33:46 UTC  

Well from now on Im gonna see Fox a the trickster in Japanese folk tales

2021-01-21 13:34:04 UTC  

lol Arnold looks like a dwarf.

2021-01-21 13:35:20 UTC  

see you know unity

2021-01-21 13:35:44 UTC  

nope, I'm wrong. Joycelyn Elders was the first black surgeon general. Good going google.

2021-01-21 13:35:50 UTC  

Kamala wants teens to vote since they are easily fooled. Shows her mentality. No offense to anyone here.

2021-01-21 13:35:57 UTC  

Well he is part of the group that started this lockdown shit so good ridence

2021-01-21 13:38:23 UTC  

yup, can't find any news on the riots on cnn

2021-01-21 13:38:49 UTC  

Correction: can't find any news on cnn

2021-01-21 13:39:06 UTC  

Teens are also used to asking parents for money, so seeing Dems as the nanny state would seem normal to them.

2021-01-21 13:39:59 UTC  


2021-01-21 13:40:40 UTC  

1 day into Biden’s presidency and nothing bad has happened

2021-01-21 13:41:01 UTC  

biden signed 17 executive orders

2021-01-21 13:41:17 UTC  

Have the Republicans elected a Latino from CA to the US Senate before? The "news" reported that Padilla is the first Latino Senator from CA and I don't believe it.

2021-01-21 13:41:19 UTC  

He wants to go back to the Paris climate accord 😦