Message from @abel gomez

Discord ID: 801878174803558431

2021-01-21 18:15:18 UTC  

true dat

2021-01-21 18:15:19 UTC  

This is the one and only time i will side with Biden, because at least he isnt wasting time on trying to impeach a president whos no longer in office

the idea of unity isnt bad, its just democrats promote it wrong

2021-01-21 18:15:50 UTC  

See? Now my lag erased a whole word.

2021-01-21 18:15:55 UTC  

not only that its impossible to do with a political climate is now

2021-01-21 18:16:06 UTC  

Anyone thought it was funny/ironic that Kamala was wearing purple, the color of royalty at the inauguration instead of red white or blue

2021-01-21 18:16:23 UTC  

i mean is biden really even the prez i mean i can call my self the prez as well but i didnt win...????

2021-01-21 18:16:24 UTC  

Ehh not that weird I guess

2021-01-21 18:16:26 UTC  

Unity under an iron fist<:Socialism:795660490775855144>

2021-01-21 18:16:30 UTC  

They purposely use unity wrong to gain supporters

2021-01-21 18:16:31 UTC  

I noticed that but i thought i was going nutz

2021-01-21 18:16:32 UTC  

@isoboto Where are you? Are you and Oberyn in the DM's? Lmao

2021-01-21 18:16:38 UTC  

Uniting with the people who's been calling you racist and attacking you at every twist and corner for the past 4 years is not exactly something that will happen.

2021-01-21 18:16:53 UTC  

Prepare for queen Kamala everyone, the wicked witch of the left and her cackles are coming

2021-01-21 18:16:54 UTC  


2021-01-21 18:17:02 UTC  

we know he isn't but we're going along with it for now

2021-01-21 18:17:03 UTC  

so divided that nobody wants to do anything together.

2021-01-21 18:17:13 UTC  

Ohhh oki

2021-01-21 18:17:35 UTC  

I was gona join the army but idk how Biden witt Destroy that

2021-01-21 18:17:35 UTC  

If he actually reins in the party a little bit, gets em to cool their jets on the "conservatives are evil" rhetoric, it actually would be a good step towards unity, and if he's willing to confront Pelosi about it, take over leadership of the party, he could actually make it happen.

2021-01-21 18:17:37 UTC  


2021-01-21 18:17:44 UTC  

Now that is a good one.

2021-01-21 18:17:48 UTC  

oberyn who?

2021-01-21 18:18:25 UTC  

imma grab my popcor because this is gonna be good

2021-01-21 18:18:29 UTC  

lol Check her PFP too. @Sir John VIII

well yea... I guess unity is kinda impossible at this point especially when there is so much animosity between black and white people, and I've been attacked for no reason bc I was white... like if you really want to promote equality, show love even if you think they don't deserve it.... idk

2021-01-21 18:18:56 UTC  

How long do yโ€™all think Biden will last in office, Iโ€™m giving him 8 months

2021-01-21 18:18:59 UTC  

bend the knee people

2021-01-21 18:19:08 UTC  

4-6 months.

2021-01-21 18:19:08 UTC  

2 months

2021-01-21 18:19:09 UTC  

i give him 4 months

2021-01-21 18:19:10 UTC  

One month

2021-01-21 18:19:16 UTC  

dethrone the witch

2021-01-21 18:19:32 UTC  

I don't think it's that much of a race thing but rather the constant demonization of opposing political views.

2021-01-21 18:20:27 UTC  

Guys stop posting, stop meming ok? bend the knee to big tech, to uncle Joe.

2021-01-21 18:20:30 UTC  


2021-01-21 18:20:31 UTC  

I'd love to watch the show if Biden grows some cojones and vetoes a Pelosi bill.

2021-01-21 18:20:33 UTC  

Wonder what Kamalaโ€™s first executive order will be