Message from @Goose
Discord ID: 801256669048078366
and Hollywood gets a HUGE profit from showing movies to China
Heckin shame
"Guys I won 20 counties! I'm king of the black people!!111!!!1"
whered by burger meme go
how is a cheeseburger against the rules
fat americans gotta eat everything to do with cheeseburgers including memes
can't have shit in detroit smh my head
2 ton whales
the mod was like the cat that licked the paper chicken
got so mad it was deleted
eat this
but why
ima take that real quick
If I shared a meme right before the purge, can I share it again so those who didn't see it could vote on it?
They shut off Antifa/blm/commie memes because the left doesn't like it?
How about President...You Know...The Thing Memes?
commies memes are a no go but nazi memes are okay?
Just post them under political memes now....
Just fell for a jumpscare post
Wasn't that bad though
I just heard loud noise and clicked off
Kind of annoying but it's whatever really
I jumped when I saw it.
I was like what is this. Nothings happening.
Then boom jumpscare.
When the
I feel that
Dumb question; Is the <#801170169002328125> supposed to be sarcastic/satire?
I think so
stop laughing