
Discord ID: 192404519106117633

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Iโ€™m a big BLM supporter.

Bidenโ€™s Laptop Matters

Has anyone else lost their desire to even fight this blatant corruption?

this place hasn't been purged yet?๐Ÿค”

Discord not allowing us to post Antifa/blm and communist memes

Getting real 1984 around here

Wrong think!!!!

Make sure all you guys order that Antifa book thatโ€™s coming out. I preordered mine ๐Ÿ˜

Lefties are REEEing about it tho

Ask any leftist if they think video games can radicalize people and watch them back track real quick

Memes donโ€™t kill people

After playing GTA V I have no desire to act like Trevor

the left will support conservative or free thinking suppression

this is only the beginning

today it's the memes

tomorrow it will be a crime to post something against the narrative even if it's 100% peaceful

Discord Leftists have suppressed us

this is a slippery slope

has anyone wanted to commit acts of violence after viewing those memes? genuinely curious. im guessing thats 100% no

humans arent empty vessels

DOOM didnt cause Columbine

Columbine was caused by kids over medicated by zoloft and drugs like that

and parents not watching their children

1999 school shooting

most infamous one

because at the time parents blamed video games


we're really going down the Jack Thompson road

the guy who tried to get violent video games banned

started with Mortal Kombat

on the basis that media consumption causes violence


hollywood cant even cast certain actors in roles because of china

because those people have spoken out against China

and Hollywood gets a HUGE profit from showing movies to China

Someone put Bidenโ€™s face on that plz

Still shot is fine


Itโ€™s a fuckin travesty

First President with adult diapers

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