Message from @ElCalafate
Discord ID: 801341255233437706
First to say islam is bad.
Deus Vult.
We are the Holy Trinity of comments. We're the first three.
It's back.
I missed it and didn't XD
It is back
@TheChicken789 bless you
I know you just sneezed
Yeees we need a Crusade
Minnesota snows ♥
But the star is amazing
Itd back
I missed this place
labradors are the best dogs, specifically black labs, you got a good dog there.
Would’ve been kinda funny if they waited until the third day to bring this channel back
I love God
Thank you
I am Christian but somehow anti-gay
Technically that is true, because Christianity condemns homosexuality. Problem with that is lefties tend to extrapolate on this to say Christians also condemn the people too
gonne get us TOS again
ah right, can't tell the truth now a days
just a reminder that this isn't a place to bash other religions no matter how cringe they are.
if it helps i can balance it out by saying that despite its massive flaws, islam united a lot of the middle east and as result provided us with the useful thing known as Algebra.
Fuck algebra
although to some people Algebra is the bad
as just shown
Algebra is bad
algebra is easy
That’s does negate the fact that we’re doing math not English